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  1. T

    Star Wars! (SPOILER WARNING)

    I know what's happening anyways so I'll wait a bit till I can see Star Wars with friends. I flicked through the visual Revenge Of The Sith comic. It was horrific how the Jedi all died. Mace Windu died a relatively anti-climatic death.
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    Who is your favourite Star Wars Character?

    Anakin kicks Dooku's arse btw.
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    What would be your private members bill?

    Introduction of the death penalty for the most dangerous repeat offenders with a review of those that get let off for mental instability.
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    Empire Earth 2

    Yeah I've got it. I played a skirmish map from Era I to Era XIII. It's alright if you're bored. I played some campaigns but I prefer Civilisation III. It's a bit better then Rise Of Nations.
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    Star Wars! (SPOILER WARNING)

    Just about 1 WEEK TILL STAR WARS!!! :D :p
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    The Budget

    Well you can tell everyone who's over 14 years and 9 months to get out of the house and get a job then.
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    The age old battle.. well at least since the evolution theorists..

    downgrade? I see it as upgrading in that you transcendence the petty institutions which bind us down by it's rules. I'm saying you can go beyond the Catholic church in search of better meaning then the ones the Catholic church has given you. or you might just be content with the rules that are...
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    XXX 2 - the next level

    Yeah Ice Cube's dialogue was pretty shocking... or maybe it was his acting also.
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    The Budget

    Why don't they just kill off all the old folk over 80? That'd save lots of money on health and other things. :rolleyes:
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    do u find it hard to get in2 some books?

    I call it Tolkien other classics which choose pre-Victorian script.
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    In your dreams, what would you buy...?

    I'd buy spin spin sugar's hand in marriage :p
  12. T

    Who is your favourite Star Wars Character?

    Anakin: Luke, I am you father. Luke: No! [*scrunches up face] No! [*shakes head while it's going red] NO! [*looks over the edge and attempts to commit suicide at the fact that his dad is made of wires, copper and plastics that came from a used parts bin left over from a Chinese toy...
  13. T

    Too far gone for satire?

    CRAIG REUCASSEL: When there are massive social issues like refugees it makes it a lot easier than where there are, perhaps, possible issues like interest rates, which are a bit harder to make amusing and get across on television. And also somebody like John Howard makes it difficult, he's a...
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    XXX 2 - the next level

    I'm watching XXX2 now and they only mention of XXX is that the original guy died and nothing else and I've never watched the first one and am watching the second. It's alright but let me finish watching it first.
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    Star Wars Fans

    Let me think, I wonder who's a Star Wars fan. :rolleyes:
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    Is sex overrated?

    sex is good. everyone should get more of it :p
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    guys sizes

    I have problems finding jeans that fit. They don't come in sizes lower then 28 and that is slightly loose for me.
  18. T

    Star Wars! (SPOILER WARNING)

    Well it worked well for KOTOR2 cause I was shitting myself wondering what the fuck was going on which helped me finish the game. Hopefully if they make KOTOR3 it'll be about how the Jedi start up again and you get to be a newbie Jedi. It'd be even better if you started young and had to grow up...