Search results

  1. michael1990

    Who started BoS?

    thats a really good thought, it would also explain how Teachers know about the site. But then again, why if it is 'board endorsed' why teachers don't actually tell us about it? Or they have a bigger say in the site? Who Elects the Moderators? Other Moderators? Where did the first come from...
  2. michael1990

    IRP Survey on iPod Use

    1. Age: 17 2. Gender: Male 3. Do you use a Personal Music Player (PMP) whilst in conversation with others? No, as it is rude. 4. Do you feel that whilst using your PMP you can effectively communicate with others? No, as you wont be concentrating on the conversation at hand, rather the...
  3. michael1990

    what primary school did you go to?

    hmmm... Narallan Primary- Kindy to year 4. Concord Primary- year 4-5 Kentlyn Primary- year 5-6 I think the years are correct.
  4. michael1990

    Computer Licence Tests on Saturdays?

    Maybe those dates you have tried are unavaliable?
  5. michael1990

    Who started BoS?

    I HAVE NO IDEA but would love to know. Are they a Moderator? Behind the scenes? WOW so cool
  6. michael1990

    I've just turned 18! What now?

    I turn 18 in about 6 months, can't wait!
  7. michael1990

    Who was your first celebrity crush?

    yeah she hot
  8. michael1990

    Who was your first celebrity crush?

    First Crush was Britney Spears, i am sure of it lol Well it was when i was 10, she was hot back then. Agreed?
  9. michael1990

    Printer Problem

    thats your first problem lol well what you need to do, is use the printer and it will actually have functions on the printer (depending on model) that will allow you to help clean the print heads on that, otherwise you will need to replace the print heads.
  10. michael1990

    Favourite Students' Quotes

    Just got our Economics Textbooks. Walked into Business Studies, Random kid says to me Michael! Our Economic Textbooks are mad! They have everything we need in them. I couldn't help but laugh, he was then asked how it felt to be retarded. LMAO
  11. michael1990

    Capitalism or Communism?

    well i thought what i said sounded better, but of course yourself may be different.
  12. michael1990

    Studying alone or with others?

    I believe studying with others, as you can test your knowledge with that person/s. It would depend on who your studying with, and if you would get distracted and so forth. If you study with a person/s then you will be able to bounce ideas of them and such.
  13. michael1990

    Are these 'Low scaling subjects'?

    I agree, when selecting my own subjects i was not given adequate information on them. But as people have been saying, you cannot change what has happen just deal with it. Scaling is not supposed to be done anyway, your mark is supposely 'moderated' into the ban curve? not sure what it is...
  14. michael1990

    Help Subject Problem

    That sucks. But if you really want to change, go and see either the Principal or Deputy (in charge of your year group) but make sure you have a good relationship with. Plead your situation, and make sure you say to them that you will get up to speed, and so forth. As long as you learn what...
  15. michael1990

    Media Article: School Leaving Age 18

    i don't see why not? you bought them to wear pus ou wouldnt want to show them off.
  16. michael1990

    Media Article: School Leaving Age 18

    yeah, people cant save? just like some peope have different priorities. They made decide to buy Versace glasses worth $ 3000 instead of a car? Idiot
  17. michael1990

    Media Article: School Leaving Age 18

    so because someone wants good quality glasses they are rich. you really just proved your own brain power.
  18. michael1990

    Media Article: School Leaving Age 18

    lol its a forum, who cares? they should not raise the school leaving age unless they are willing to fund public schools more. And raise private schools fees.
  19. michael1990

    Media Article: School Leaving Age 18

    at least someone has in here has common sense.
  20. michael1990

    Media Article: School Leaving Age 18

    LMAO didn't know we were in an exam, thought i was talking a forum?