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  1. bazookajoe

    Prison Break (For people following US tv)

    Meh, wasn't a great episode. Plus my audio was extremely out of sync in last couple mins
  2. bazookajoe

    The Official Football Thread 2006/2007

    Bolton suck without Nolan, can't wait for him to get back from suspension. And also, Spurs vs Chelsea was a sensational match, match of the season for me so far (the ones I've seen anyway)
  3. bazookajoe


    Yeah, looks like this'll be taking a large chunk of my cash.
  4. bazookajoe

    Big Day Out 2007!

    2nd announcement kinda makes me glad I didn't buy a ticket
  5. bazookajoe

    south park - season 10 followers

    So far I've been really disappointed :( The first half of season ten earlier this year was mostly fantastic, so far I've been pretty unimpressed except for the WoW episode and a few moments from the other eps
  6. bazookajoe

    Disappointing Albums!

    Oh yeah, Sam's Town by The Killers. Horrible, horrible, horrible.
  7. bazookajoe

    The Departed

    The end reminded me too much of Reservoir Dogs. Loved the movie, excellent dialogue and script, as well as awesome performances from most of the key players. But the soundtrack was awful
  8. bazookajoe

    Angels and Airwaves

    Woah, talk about reviving dead threads
  9. bazookajoe

    Angels and Airwaves

    This album came out ages ago :\
  10. bazookajoe

    Big Day Out 2007!

    Meh I'm gonna send in a ballot thing, but if I miss out I won't be too fussed about it
  11. bazookajoe

    The Official Football Thread 2006/2007

    Ship Bolton the trophy, season over. And Terry in goal still doesn't beat the time Friedel scored, or the time when Stuey Pearce put in Weaver and shoved James up front. Good times...
  12. bazookajoe

    BOS Fasntasy English Premier League 2006/2007

    Because Henry is the shit :o
  13. bazookajoe

    Big Day Out 2007!

    True fans don't download music :bomb:
  14. bazookajoe

    The Killers sideshowwwww That's all I've got so far, but it's all over the BDO forums and I'm sure it'll be up on Ticketek at some point later today/tomorrow/this week/something. EDIT: It's on their website as well,
  15. bazookajoe

    What was the last CD you bought?

    'sif not You Forgot it in People :o :uhhuh:
  16. bazookajoe

    The Killers sideshowwwww

    On Australia Day @ Hordern
  17. bazookajoe

    Big Day Out 2007!

    I didn't get one either, I'm waiting for 2nd announcement before I do anything. They're holding back another 10000 in case it hasn't been said in this thread
  18. bazookajoe

    An Inconvenient Truth

    Al Gore seems like a bit of a fundamentalist Christian knob. "I'll make a movie starring me! Then people will take me super serial. Excelsior!" Remember...WE MUST ALL STOP MANBEARPIG
  19. bazookajoe

    The Departed

    Yeah this looks fantastic, all the reviews I've read so far have praised it, so I hope they're right
  20. bazookajoe

    White And Nerdy (Parody of Ridin')

    Weird Al's pretty shit