Dammit, i cant see that link!! For some reason, my computer (its an Apple, but i dont think that has anything to do with it) won't let me see the updated NRL site.
Does anyone have any ideas what to do?
It's just you...
Just kidding! :) All last year, our teacher kept telling us that "three" was the magic number, and always to use three different techniques when answering questions. I'm sure she told us other things about "three" but i forgot.
Of course i watched the 3rd ep (as well as the 1st and 2nd) :D I thought it was pretty good, i'd give it a 10/10, but i'd give the one before that a 11/10!
I dont think that jesse and jennifer are still going out, but i know they once did...
stone the flamin' crows! i dont remember him saying toadstools though... lol!!
also http://imdb.com/title/tt0094481/quotes has a good list of H&A quotes, lots of them by Alf. :)