Actually, now that you've written (typed...) that, I'm almost positive the mark/s will be given (if you put women OR men) if you gave a good reason.
Im doing similar subjects to what you and m0ofin are doing too, eg. bio, chem, maths and english 3U. Also, i havent met anyone whose doing the same subjects as me, and I doubt i ever will...
yeah, the date scene was pretty weird... i dont think they focused on it enough though. it really did leave so many questions unanswered... next week looks pretty good though-2 hours!! yay!
I wrote it was aimed at young men, and men were encouraged to join it because AIF was written in large bold writing AND because it had an "attractive young women" on it.
High five everyone that has it on the 9th december!!
*high fives airie!* *high fives 47sniper!* *high fives ~shinigami~!*