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  1. R

    Is 850 words each english advance essay enough for me to get full marks?

    I got ~17/20 for all my essays. Shortest was ~600 words, largest was ~850 But I did standard
  2. R

    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    #virgin #AnnChoseDick #ftfy
  3. R

    buddhism thred

    Whereas Christian and Islamic religions actually contain hateful teachings (even if they are only minor (except the gay thing)). I totes get ya.
  4. R

    buddhism thred

    get out. Just because you're trying to make your religion good doesn't make it good (also, I only read like 2 lines of the above).
  5. R

    Is 850 words each english advance essay enough for me to get full marks?

    you are essay should ideally have both
  6. R

    Schools preventing students to drop?

    Yeah, pretty sure they aren't allowed to do that.
  7. R

    Annoying Multiple Choice!

    okay, so I just looked through my notes and I didn't make a table, I just made a little list, which probably isn't very helpful because most of the stuff I just remembered and isn't in the notes. Also, looking through my notes I saw that I had empty sections. Lol, every single one of them was...
  8. R

    Annoying Multiple Choice!

    yeah, I have one if you want me to take a pic (if I can find it). Fuck, I wish that was in mine. I was only good at SFBH. :frown2:
  9. R

    Annoying Multiple Choice!

    Just learn them all (rote learn) If you have any questions I'm usually always around. :3
  10. R

    Annoying Multiple Choice!

    looking at this again: this is just a comparison between prions and viruses. A - neither of them are cells, so it's not this one B - neither contain DNA, so wrong again C - Viruses do contain nucleic acids and prions don't. So this is right D - I'm pretty sure this statement is false, but also...
  11. R

    Annoying Multiple Choice!

    already gone through this, bud.
  12. R

    Annoying Multiple Choice!

    no, you completely misunderstood what I wrote. Neither of them contain DNA and hence prions cannot be distinguished from viruses, so B is incorrect because if you read the question properly (which I'm doubting) it is asking you what feature DISTINGUISHES PRIONS FROM OTHER PATHOGENS. Yes...
  13. R

    Annoying Multiple Choice!

    It's C because viruses don't contain DNA, they contain RNA so then prions aren't distinguished from viruses using the option B. The reason it is C is because every other pathogen has nucleic acids whereas prions do not, they are just whacked out proteins that do their shiz. So, although B is...
  14. R

    UNSW Social Life?

    yeah, but you only got like a 93 ATAR, right? And you studied during HSC? So, like, you need to study. I can achieve average+ marks without it. :3
  15. R

    UNSW Social Life?

    nah bro I'll show you this sem Just watch me Last sem was under bad circumstances and I still got a D in a thing so this sem I'll show you even more. lol well, there is a social life at every Uni if you look hard enough.
  16. R

    UNSW Social Life?

    ~fine~ isn't amazing. no Party 5eva and just cram before assessments/finals yeah, I would agree with this (but I don't go there) If you're so caught up with social life then why not go to USyd or UoW or something? (I just assume UoW is party-ish because no one there would study much, right?)
  17. R

    Should I drop economics or biology or keep then drop in the future?

    I rote learned and got a band 6. Lol (and I didn't study for bio after trials) It's completely possible if you just rote learn before every assessment.
  18. R

    Prelim Exam Results
