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  1. terminator69

    The Woolworths Thread

    Lol I really should never have quoted you for simply saying that you love the PA system, when this iMatthew guy talks about how he is an "absolute gun" on it and people love his "beautiful voice". I am sure his coworkers would think he had down down down syndrome if he started talking...
  2. terminator69

    The Woolworths Thread

    Not for talking, but for saying you love it and being all excited about requesting pricechecks and advertising to people. That's not how you should be talking to a fellow Woolworths Limited employee and a customer of Woolworths Supermarkets. You are a disgrace to your beloved company.
  3. terminator69

    The Woolworths Thread

    Wow, I never knew there were supermarket fanboys and/or nerds. You learn something everyday.
  4. terminator69

    Hit Rock Bottom. (i am not sinofile!!!)

    And it counts as 80% pussy. What is your point?
  5. terminator69

    Hit Rock Bottom. (i am not sinofile!!!)

    Are you forgetting that my method doesn't require a sex doll???
  6. terminator69

    Hit Rock Bottom. (i am not sinofile!!!)

    I don't know, man. Why don't you try it right now and then reply with your rating of gratification?
  7. terminator69

    Hit Rock Bottom. (i am not sinofile!!!)

    Well maybe not a doll, but you don't even need the doll. Just use a bed frame, pillow, condom, plastic bag, optional lube and I'm 80% sure that you can emulate 80% of the experience of losing your virginity. Go on, prove me wrong. Actually, if you combine my method just mentioned with OP's use...
  8. terminator69

    Where Can I Get Free Working ip:ports????

    Banned from what?
  9. terminator69

    The Woolworths Thread

    Apparently we don't have access to their super secret supermarket site.
  10. terminator69

    Where Can I Get Free Working ip:ports????

    Your example there is actually an IP address and accompanying port address, which we call a socket address not an "ip port". What a noob. Also just look up proxies. I am unsure of your meaning of "expired", but if the addresses are banned on whatever sites you want to surf, either look harder...
  11. terminator69

    Where Can I Get Free Working ip:ports????

    What the fuck is an ip port in the context you are using it in?
  12. terminator69

    pinless key card lol

    And who the fuck are you to call it a dumb idea? Similar schemes work great in large Asian countries with much more people using it than the 20 mil in Australia.
  13. terminator69

    What is your WAM?

    Quick survey time. Select your WAM from the list. If you don't know how to calculate WAM or your uni uses GPA, just put down the mean of the marks from all the subjects you have done so far. Also consider making a comment regarding what year you're in or reply with some witty BoS humour.
  14. terminator69

    Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother

    I have a feeling this novel will be very relevant to the demographic of people on BoS. It's written by a Chinese mother and goes through the differences in parenting between Chinese and Western parents based on the author's experiences. ie. she talks about how she raised her daughters to do...
  15. terminator69

    How to befriend a girl

    Most of the girls are guys? OMG I HAVE TO SEE THIS.
  16. terminator69

    How to befriend a girl

    What is your point? They're all in the friend-zone.
  17. terminator69

    How to befriend a girl

    wat. Cuddling and having sexy times? Whatever couples do. My point was; how can the strategy for being successful with girls be to treat them just like anyone else, when you will be getting a whole lot more personal and intimate with them over regular guy friends.
  18. terminator69

    How to befriend a girl

    What do you expect, when people get to the age where they are in late high school/uni and never had a girlfriend? Girls become so foreign that there would be no way to know that they should be treated as the same species. Plus getting into a close relationship with a girl is hardly the same as...
  19. terminator69

    New Server

    Wow, how could you think The Derivative was a derivative of the-derivative? You must be new here.