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  1. F

    UNSW rollcall 2016

    What courses are you planning on taking this year? :-)
  2. F

    UNSW rollcall 2016

    I graduate in 2019 and started in 2013. Still lovin' it! But which I could rewind...
  3. F

    UNSW chit chat thread

    Re: UNSW chit chat thread 2016 Or I always checked UNSW library before semester to get onto the textbooks early and renewed the crap out of them.
  4. F

    UNSW rollcall 2016

    4th year Science (Honours). I feel old.
  5. F


    It will vary between each employer - it might bring up a point of interest in the interview or be a blip on another employer's radar. Do you have a reason for failing? eg. something significant happened in your life during that semester
  6. F

    chem1011 or chem1031

    There is the option to start off with CHEM1011 or 1031 and change your enrollment from one to the other before the census date which I believe is around week 3. You can see how easy or difficult one seems to you and switch accordingly.
  7. F

    chem1011 or chem1031

    Did you taken chemistry in high school? You have the choice to take the higher stream if you are able to follow chemistry at a faster pace or choose the lower stream if you don't have as much experience or you do have experience but want to maximise your WAM. They pretty much cover the same content.
  8. F

    Postponing Timetabling

    Usually for first year subjects, they will have enough classes to cater for the big numbers they are expecting. Particularly if you are enrolling into subjects that are compulsory for your program. So there should be enough spots... but if you do decide to enroll later, you might not get the...
  9. F

    Timetable advice?

    Yes, that was my strategy when I wasn't sure about which time slot I really wanted. I always chose the one I anticipated as being more popular to secure a spot, then if I decided to change my mind, I could easily change my enrollment to another class without being concerned about a full class...
  10. F

    Timetable advice?

    I had a 3 hours break between another class and that 6-9pm lab. I actually started my uni day at 9am. It was just bad luck because I had some difficulty enrolling in my first semester. So my day was 9am-9pm (with breaks but it still sucked). So maybe a 6-9pm lab on its own isn't too bad. But I...
  11. F

    lectures for science subs compulsory or counts to marks?

    It's not compulsory. There is no roll taking.
  12. F

    Buses to UNSW

    In the first weeks of semester, it's crazy at Eddy Avenue. I've waited for a good 30-40 minutes before (and was late for 9am class). There are alternative bus routes that will get you to uni such as the M50 or 39X buses.
  13. F

    Timetable advice?

    From my experience, I'd go for the 9am lab. I had a BABS lab from 6-9pm and every week I thought it was the absolute worst. I think more students would fill up the earlier 9am slot as opposed to the one that finishes at 9pm. That was the case in my year. You just have to complete the enrollment...
  14. F

    First year maths elective

    I was tossing up between 1011 (lol) and 1131 as electives, having done 3 unit maths in high school. What made me choose 1131 in the end was when I reminded myself that I wanted to go to uni to learn new things (surprise!) Although WAM boosting is an appealing thought, I would personally feel...
  15. F

    Med sci at UNSW or Usyd? Aiming for postgrad med @ Usyd

    No worries :-) I believe you need to complete more units of credit (ie. complete more subjects within that major) in order to graduate with that major in an advanced science degree than a medical science degree. Up until 2016, they had students in medical science graduate with a specialisation...
  16. F

    UNSW or UTS for science?

    I really don't think you should choose a uni out of convenience when you are concerned about one less bus ride etc. There are much more important things to consider.
  17. F

    Med sci at UNSW or Usyd? Aiming for postgrad med @ Usyd

    I can vouch for this - I've gone through the process before! Though why don't you consider resitting the UMAT during your undergraduate degree? That would give you more chances of getting into medicine! If it's an issue of more years of uni overall, my take on the matter is that 1 or 2 years...
  18. F

    Is it worth doing a double degree to transfer to Medicine undergrad or post?

    If you have the slightest doubt that you don't want to do study medicine, then a double-degree that you do have an interest in could be the start to an alternative career. If you know you do want to do medicine but you change your mind later (life happens), then you can start with a single...