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  1. F

    How is Maths actually used in real life?!??

    I didn't find English too swell either but you do have to communicate effectively in life post high school. The actual content of what you learn in English is useless but the skills you develop (like everything I imagine in high school) is what prevails. Essays - sustain an argument or point of...
  2. F

    Post your subject regrets

    Economics. It didn't count for me (I did 14 units altogether). I put in the most time for the subject and it not counting was a bit of a bummer. But I did enjoy the subject itself so in that respect, it wasn't a regret. I liked its practical application in the real world and it was fun applying...
  3. F

    2014 New Years Resolutions & Progress

    My NYR are: - run 10k non-stop by the end of the year (I don't run at all and I have not consciously exercised in 2013) - limit social media to 1 hr max each day - read 60 books - get an HD average at uni - keep in contact at least once per week with my close family/friends living overseas Yep...
  4. F

    B Science and Business

    I thought this is a new course for 2014 for UNSW. If it is, mayb post this in the general uni forum.
  5. F

    What are you currently Reading?

    Currently reading Pale Blue Dot by Carl Sagan Cos I like that space and physics shit And there are pretty pictures
  6. F

    Applying to Medicine/ Dental after doing a Bachelor Degree

    +1 It takes a lot of high school leavers to realise this. You should not emulate your parents' dreams. It's your life and a big part of leaving high school is gaining independence and being accountable for your own decisions and choices. It's great that you know what you're passionate about. A...
  7. F

    Enrolments for high school leavers

    Once you have accepted your offer to study at UNSW and have gone to myunsw and done filled in a the administrative questions, you can enrol into classes. I think. I'm trying to remember how it was for me last year. I can imagine eager first years enrolling at once so classes may fill up quite...
  8. F

    Tutoring required for band 6?

    I am a bit on the anti-tutoring side because I feel that people exploit the system and I know I will get negativity in saying this but it makes me feel a bit ill thinking about all those extreme high achievers who got their high marks as a result of forking out the $$$ on tutoring. Idk there is...
  9. F

    what to do during free periods.

    "Study SMART not hard." I like this phrase but you do still have to study hard and put in the effort in order to reap the rewards.
  10. F

    what to do during free periods.

    I did maths homework. I think everyone is saying maths homework (not any other homework) because for me, it's something you can do well without having to *settle in* if you get what I mean. You can pretty much do maths problems anywhere. But when I did my maths homework at home, I would spend...
  11. F

    Learning calculus (differentiation and integration) year 10

    Never too early. And it's pretty fun!
  12. F

    Senior Year: Loose Leaf or Exercise Book?

    I used exercise books for taking down notes in class. I can't be too specific about your subjects because we only have English advanced in common. But with the handouts I got in class, I kept them in a binder folder. It really depends on your personal preference though when it comes to exercise...
  13. F

    Meeting girls post hsc

    OP, I say wait it out till uni when you will see and meet many girls on campus and by then you will want to get away from them.
  14. F

    Transferring into unsw med sci ??

    That's weird. I thought I saw medical science in UNSW's IPT website earlier this year... I would find a contact on that website and phone/email them inquiring about that. It said you need a transfer WAM of 75 if I recall correctly. But I agree with madharris, you should do something like a...
  15. F

    Michael Ondaatje

    This doesn't answer your question but have you read In the Skin of a Lion? It's one of my favourite books and I used it for an in depth analysis for English extension 1 in year 11. I think we were studying post-colonialism. I highly recommend it!
  16. F

    How did you balance everything in Year Eleven?

    You're no way in over your head. If you want to make it happen, you can make it happen. It's always been about mindset. What you need to do is get a blank timetable schedule (Mon-Sun) and put in all your commitments. If you want to keep your job, you can keep it. It doesn't sound like you...
  17. F

    What courses should I enrol into?

    Thanks for explaining. I agree. I also think teaching should be a natural quality. I have experience working with children in tutoring and sometimes I come out of the job thinking, I hate children, so it's probably not right for me :-P but it is a noble career!
  18. F

    What courses should I enrol into?

    I've considered education. What didn't you like about it?