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  1. K

    General Thoughts: English–literacy

    I got discouraged from thinking that it was a pocket watch because everyone told me that it was a stop watch. They could be wrong? Sure hope they don't mind if it was a stopwatch!
  2. K

    General Thoughts: English–literacy

    I chose the stopwatch but kept calling it a pocket watch >__< My creative story was just so lame...Didn't feel good about it afterwards.
  3. K

    General Thoughts: Science

    The test wasn't too bad. Especially when compared to the trials >__> I thought multiple choice was okay, but it threw me off how I had a row of B's or C's every now and then D: Didn't look right...
  4. K

    How long do u study for each day???

    I'm planning on not studying that much for the SC but should I study for my trials? Apparently my schools one is harder than the real SC, but I don't feel motivated to study :C
  5. K

    Disadvantaged by school? :C

    Okay, so for starters my school is ranked ~600 in NSW. Yes, I know, really bad... I know it doesn't affect my ATAR as long as I get good rankings in my classes, but I've realised that my school does not teach the topics in great detail, and are somewhat behind other schools, such as selective...