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  1. georgefren

    Major Project ?

    I'm doing the creation is Israel, and how it is viewed.
  2. georgefren

    Post up your subjects for HSC!

    I did Eng3, Maths3, A+M History, Physics. And dropped physics, but took up another extension in english and history. so im still on 14 units. I may drop a subject eventually.
  3. georgefren

    which movie turns you on THE MOST????

  4. georgefren

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    OR how about 1 israel life = 1 palestinian, and the fact that people on both sides are dying over something like this is a disgrace?
  5. georgefren

    Do you like maths?

    I dont hate it, but I dislike maths. I'm doing 3 units because im not THAT bad and it scales decently and makes a good backup subject. It's just such a ... boring subject. English is good, I like english. Plus I've always felt more consistent getting marks in english then maths for some reason.
  6. georgefren

    How do you get tutored for english?

    You shoudnt need tutoring for english unless its for basic structural things, and even then just ask your teacher. Personally i disagree with Pwnage101. Everyone always says English is subjectively marked, but i think that as long as your work is good enough, it cant get marked down. My...
  7. georgefren

    does anyone not drink

    I tried once. But it was really hard and i gave up. Giving up drinking sucks the fun out of your life.
  8. georgefren

    the purpose of pickups

    dont overanalyse this shit.
  9. georgefren

    why are arab countries such shit holes?

    Well not all arab countries are shit. Dubai, for example, looks like a mad place to live.
  10. georgefren

    I'm going to miss maths!

    Please tell me this is all some kind of sick sick joke.
  11. georgefren

    What purpose does the UN really serve?

    The UN does have a lot of limits on its power - namely the nonbinding nature of its agreements and the lack of a TRUE world police (america doesnt count) so that it has no actual enforcement or protectary measures. and it gets overridden by the will of the US far too often. but for all that...
  12. georgefren

    The Penis Movie Game 2008 (trust me, it's fun)

    hahaha. fight club (since its my fave movie, and im doing it for 2unit) rule one. you do not talk about penis. rule two. you do NOT talk about penis. :)
  13. georgefren

    does ur school rank really affect ur mark?

    hahaha well it is kinda unfair with some of the languages like latin and ancient greek. we're like the only half-decent school that offers ancient greek, so we got about 9/10 state placings in it. but ruse would NEVER topple us from that throne. NEVER!
  14. georgefren

    does ur school rank really affect ur mark?

    Haha, no it wasnt a serious complaint. and it wasnt in defence of PRIVATE schools in general. It was more like a defence of OUR school's shit position in comparison to how well we thought we actually did. feel free to ignore it.
  15. georgefren

    Want to brainstorm the concept of belonging with me?

    Can someone explain to me what exactly the belonging part of the HSC exam will involve? Is it just a comprehension and creative?
  16. georgefren

    Someone help?

    Do Fight Club. Not because it matches or anything, but because im doing it and its kickass. Woo!
  17. georgefren

    does ur school rank really affect ur mark?

    But in the private school defence - the rankings were determined on flawed data. It was a stupid decision SMH made to not only determine school rankings PURELY on quantitive band 6's - and so not evaluating, for instance, the quality of rank within band 6 ; but also PURELY on maths and english -...
  18. georgefren

    10 or 12 units ???

    wooo for 14 units!
  19. georgefren

    Simultaneous Help

    And that's why he topped the state in maths.