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  1. edwardf316

    Political, economic and social issues to 1929 question

    Article 48, Proportional Representation
  2. edwardf316

    How hard is history extension?

    1) Not at first, but i don't think you're expected to. What you learn is really nothing like Modern/Ancient and for that reason the essays are quite different. That being said though after doing the subject for a bit you'll be able to do practice essays and you'll quickly get a good idea of how...
  3. edwardf316

    Do i need to remember Historian names?

    Teachers consider it a cardinal sin to use historiography and then just attribute to "historians". If you can't remember the name don't use it
  4. edwardf316


    Great, thank you very much. This really puts my mind at ease
  5. edwardf316


    Yeah its something i'm trying to improve on
  6. edwardf316


    When i'm writing at exam speed my spelling goes out the window. In trials i spelled legislation "legeslashion'
  7. edwardf316


    It doesn't have to be the shittest let me down though. If a marker is constantly stopping to try and make out a word it can affect the flow of the essay
  8. edwardf316


    Thank you. I know its not the best, i have had bad handwriting since kindergarten. But It's reassuring to know that a bunch of students can read it considering markers are probably quite good at reading bad writing
  9. edwardf316


    Please look at this sample of my writing at exam speed. I am somewhat worried about the neatness of my writing
  10. edwardf316

    Wrong ordering

    Its completely up to the markers. The school has absolutely nothing to do with your HSC anymore
  11. edwardf316


    Its right before the scene where Book punches the redneck
  12. edwardf316

    What happens if u didn't write about community in your creative!!

    Unfortunately, if you didn't have any character that found their place in a community of any kind you will be marked down quite significantly. In trials i got 8/15 because i misread the question and didn't use the stimulus as a central element in my piece
  13. edwardf316

    Disagreeing with the question

    For the essay can you disagree with the statement they provide. For example if its something like "Perceptions of belonging evolve in response to the passage of time. How is this view represented in...". Can your essay be formed around the idea that it doesn't and that belonging evolves because...
  14. edwardf316

    Belonging Question

    Is it possible that we could get question on barriers to belonging?
  15. edwardf316

    Can i get a Band 6?

    So i do standard english. My total trial mark was 96/105 and my internal assessment mark was 91%. Is it possible for me to get a Band 6 or at least an HSC Mark of 85+
  16. edwardf316

    Moderated Assessment Mark Question

    I have a friend who finished with 96% for his internal English mark and was rank 1. If the highest raw mark is lower than that like 90-91% for example, will that be his Moderated Assessment Mark even though it is much lower than his internal mark?
  17. edwardf316

    CSSA standard English Witness Question

    What was the CSSA question for the film Witness? I've heard that it was terrible but don't actually know what it was and I'm very curious
  18. edwardf316

    Question about Essay Length

    For a 25 mark question the board of studies says the expected length is 1000 words or 8 pages of the exam booklet. To achieve a band 6 response do you have to write 8 pages and is it something that markers will look at when they mark an essay? I say this because my writing is quite small and on...