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  1. P

    How to structure answer for this type of q. -hsc tomorrow

    Hey I was just wondering how ppl would go about structuring an essay worded like this this is an example of a family q, but there was a similar one for the workplace option aswell, and im guessing most of the options: "evaluate the effectiveness of law reform in achieving justice for family...
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    how did you go in trials?

    98. but i think it was an easy test. not expecting anything like that in hsc .. tomorrow
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    INDICTABLE or SUMMARY offence?!

    I think i will put it as indictable due to the amount of money involved, aswell as the jail sentence. :)
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    INDICTABLE or SUMMARY offence?!

    thanks so much :)
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    INDICTABLE or SUMMARY offence?!

    I have a newspaper article about a manager of Nestle being charged with fraud and using over $600,000 of the companies for his personal use... he was charged with 5 years in prison and ordered to repay the money he used. would this be summary or indictable?! please help!
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    Difference Between Survey & Questionnaire

    HELP! the syllabus has a dot point for both survey AND questionnaire but i thought they were the same thing can someone please tell me the difference? Kate
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    Mini Pip Ideas _ Advice Needed!

    hey thankyou so much for all your help :) ive actually decided to change my pip topic again but the points u talked about still are very helpful - ie. changing statements to questions etc. thanks for taking the time to help ive changed it to the moral development (kholbgers theory) and if it...
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    CASE STUDY NEEDED: OH&S, Anti Discrimnation or Equal Employment Opportunities

    heyy ohok thanksss :) do you have a link for this case study? sorry im new and have no idea lol :P
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    CASE STUDY NEEDED: OH&S, Anti Discrimnation or Equal Employment Opportunities

    thanks :) i cant seem to find anything though relating to like problems with ohs and EEO. i guess coz they dont want to furhter their bad publicity over any issues related to those areas... :S:S i might just have to use hyperthetical case studies
  10. P

    CASE STUDY NEEDED: OH&S, Anti Discrimnation or Equal Employment Opportunities

    as in title... does anyone have case studies relevant for any of these isssues i swear it is impossible to find any! i have spent 4 hours searching google and other sites for some but nothing!!! please heLP! xxx Kate
  11. P

    Guide To The Writing Of The PIP

    haha yess that dud teacher thing does sound a bit common well our teahcers are far from duds. they are all very smart but because wehave 4 classes across 3 lines it makes it hard to have all the classes at the same point and many lessons wasted watching vidoes etc :) but thats loads for...
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    Mini Pip Ideas _ Advice Needed!

    I am in year 11 and we have to do a Mini Pip. same as the year 12 one except not AS detailed. I am having trouble finding an idea, developing it and sticking with it. I have narrowed it down to 3 ideas. could you please leave me any helpful comments/critiscism :) any help is very very much...
  13. P

    My Mini Pip Ideas> Please Give Advice?

    orr. i have another "christmas - a lost tradition" like about how xmas is more commercialised. less about religious significance. reflects societys decreasing importance on religion?
  14. P

    My Mini Pip Ideas> Please Give Advice?

    ok well im in year 11. and we have the fun task of a MINI PIP. same as yr12 one but not as long/detailed i am guessing we need a topic obvisouly and im kinda stuck but i have these 3 general ideas could you pleasse comment on them. critiscising if needed and help :) thanks guys 1. astrology -...
  15. P

    Pips For 2008

    welll im in year 11 this year but we have to do the MINI PIP. so im looking for ideas i have some ideas (all very basic) just flying around in my head ill list them and tell me what you think? ideas critiscism etc.... impact of part time jobs on teenagers - impact on school/studies..effetc...
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    idea for PIP topic

    that sounds reli good actually :) sorry i dont have much useful impact apart from some encouragemtn :)
  17. P

    Difference between Socialisation and Social Literacy

    please help i dont fully understand the difference between socialisation and social literacy? i have the syllabus definitions but yeh can someone please explain them! thanks xx
  18. P

    social and cultural world

    i had to do this earlier this yr too did u have to research and then write it in like test conditions?
  19. P

    Area of Study - Alienation

    does anyone know other realted texts (visuals, fimls poems or short books) i can try?