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  1. T

    A bit unfair!!

    yeh, u have a valid argument, u need at least 2 weeks b4 an assessment, if u can be bothered fighting, i'd say go for it
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    Should I Drop To General Maths From 2unit! Help! :(

    well, another question which may be asked is that are u able to drop the subject in the first place? If the general maths have all ready done assessments, then i don't noe if it will be possible, because of two factors: 1. u cannot do the same assessments as they did before because...
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    crap guy in class

    i'd say who cares what other ppl get, u should be worrying about ur own work, not others like says, rankings only affect moderation, so if u rank well, then the most likely result is that this guy is not goin to affect u bottom line, dw about what other's get, as long as u perform...
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    About you

    i didn't mean spam in a bad way, its good to see everyone chatting =D
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    About you

    wow, this thread is still going, dayum, i made this ages ago good to see that its looking healthy :) although there is a fair amount of spam, but lol, doesn't matter
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    AUSTRALIA VS SRI LANKA [the final chapter]

    man, Australia are the best, aren't they, i mean come on, we're so good, of course we won, we were always going to no one has anything on the australians, we won everything, we batted well, bowled well, fielded well, bloody did everything well on the day, no stopping gilly, just an...
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    AUSTRALIA VS SRI LANKA [the final chapter]

    not really sure, but i hope they get some play in soon, i do'nt want to have to stay up again 2moro if the match is rescheduled, its too hard ><
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    AUSTRALIA VS SRI LANKA [the final chapter]

    this crappy rain has defined the tournament, what a farce we probably won't get to see any cricket cos of the rain, and if there are joint winners, thats the worst result i wanna see a match stupid rain :burn:
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    How many units?

    he did 2 unit in yr 10 and 3 unit in yr 11
  10. T

    Need TIPS for doing WELL in HSC

    know the syllabus and write notes based around the dop points study past papers, get ur hands on anything, the harder, the better, do trails and halfyearlies for as many schools as possible as well as actual hsc exams the more past paers u do, the more familiar u get to the questions which...
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    How was your school day?

    was alright, the usual first day back i guess got eco and maths exams back, did well so i'm pleased now for the other exams ><
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    Easter Holiday Progress

    yeh, glad to have no work for a little while, holidays will be good to chillax, especially after the stress from exams, no work seems like the way to go :)
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    past hsc timetables

    the timetable has to change, cos people do different subjects each year
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    Rank in HSC

    to be honest, rank has a fairly massive impact so try to rank as high as u can
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    How was your school day?

    yeh, had english exam today, was alright, got to go home afterwards which was good dw ss, i'm sure u did fine in the english, creative wasn't my strongest point either :confused:
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    which uni?

    probably USYD or UNSW UTS is unlikely
  17. T

    Chill out people - the HSC isn't that hard

    i never said that a good mark was 90+, a good mark is one that u have worked hard for and that u feel is a reflection of the effort u've put in for instance, if ur a person that struggles, what may seem a low mark to someone may be a good mark for u, and as long as u are content in that u've...
  18. T

    Chill out people - the HSC isn't that hard

    in terms of the content, the hsc isn't hard, the hard part comes in beating thousands of other students across the entire state to get the course u want, this is the hard part however, in saying that this is hard, it is not impossible, y? cos someone has to be at the top cos someone will...
  19. T

    Chill out people - the HSC isn't that hard

    HSC isn' that hard to be honest, its all effort, put the effort in, do the work properly and u'll get the marks put the time into study and u'll get the marks in the exams its as simple as that personally, if people think the hsc is hard, i dno how they'll cope in uni, cos uni is...