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  1. T

    extx 1 maths nightmare

    don't listen to this guy, he's obviously on something...many people are in the same boat, yr 10 - yr 11 is a big illustrated but the idea of a new study technique sounds good, try it, it might work
  2. T

    Poetry is stupid

    oi, i'm not dissing intertextuality, i'm dissing Eliot's overuse thereof, he needs to be more oiginal, not just alluding to other texts, most of his poem should be his own stuff, not someone else's and don't dis my level of knowledge, just cos ur a uni student doesn't mean i'm gonna bow to ur...
  3. T

    extx 1 maths nightmare

    dw, ur matks WILL and i repeat WILL pick up as i mentioned, b4, everyone's mark drop as they enter transition from yr 10 to 11, u won't help that much, unless ur a freak, or u have already done the hsc course b4 but dw, marks will increase as u get used to the workload and content its a...
  4. T

    Poetry is stupid

  5. T

    Poetry is stupid

    Eliot is a very sad, distressed and lonely, depressed man, that's the truth, accept it and get over it Eliot shouldn't get any credit for his poem in the first place, "The Hollow Men" is a complete breach of copyright laws, alluding to heaps of different authors, big whoop, i can do that...
  6. T

    How's your time management going?

    gee man, then just drink something wif caffeine in it, gee coke, tea, coffe, wateva, i couldn't care less, just to keep u awake, u noe and as for the tea at 1 am, if people managed their time better, they wouldn't be drinkng tea at 1 am cos they wouldn't be up at that time in the first place
  7. T


    Shakepeare's alright, the laguage isn't that difficult, i mean come on u don't have to understand every word, u just have to catch his drift TIP: shakespeare uses heaps of imagery, metaphors, similes, allusions, personification, the lot, so know them we're doing othello, pretty alright, i...
  8. T

    extx 1 maths nightmare

    yeh, same...everyone goes thru that stage when moving from year 10 to year 11, its a big jump and we all drop off in terms of marks, just stick at it the marks will pick up
  9. T

    How's your time management going?

    try some tea then
  10. T

    Anyone started studying for da HSC yet?

    u haven't started studying tsk tsk get cracking, not much time left, trials are close at hand
  11. T

    How's your time management going?

    man, i don't use a study timetable, i plan out my time in my head and if ur up late doing assignments :bomb: ... drink coffee it doesn't matter how u plan ur time, as long as the job gets done to the best of ur ability :)
  12. T

    Extension English

    We're doing the nature of evil, we've studied: Heart of Darkness (novel...Joseph Conrad) Apocalypse Now (film...Francis Coppola) The Hollow Men (poem...T.S Eliot) We're doing the crucible next
  13. T

    Poetry is stupid

    this thread is not pointless! its about TS Eliot and his ambiguous and at times, blatantly stupid nature of the poem hollow men, his overambitious use of allusions, and the fact that poetry these days is overanalysed, causing many meanings to be extracted from poems, some that the poet didn't...
  14. T

    Year 11 Advanced English - Area of Study

    oh yeh, i remember animal farm, that was pretty good, showing the effects of a government coming crashing to the ground. Just to refresh, the animals drive away the humans and start living on their own, pigs are appointed leaders, but the pigs of the farm end up corrupt like the humans were...
  15. T

    Poetry is stupid

    maths rulz man and by the way, they didn't listen to our comments, so they may as well listen to this, they forced me
  16. T

    Poetry is stupid

    if u look thru the thread soulsearcher, u will see that we have made very valid statements, and not all the statements that are made can be backed up with proff as they are subjective....that means modified by individual bias... therefore, i am not surpirsed we haven't used proof, otherwise, i'd...
  17. T

    Poetry is stupid

    let me explain the sum.... it is supposed to be..... root 2/x multiplied by 2x squared/root 8 multiplied by a(constant) multiplied by the derivative of a half z squared simplify.... u get (2x squared root 2)/ 2x root 2 multied by a, multiplied by z simplify again..... it all...
  18. T

    Poetry is stupid

    Ok, here it is. This will finally end the argument, and prove Eliot's stupidity. This is something and I came up with. proposed that we could prove that Eliot is gay, mathematically and here it is. T.S Eliot = limit as x approaches g as z...
  19. T

    Poetry is stupid

    yeh,, u should have named this thread Eliot sucks, or something along those lines, bu do not make the mistake into thinking that all poetry sucks. It's just that Eliot becomes ambiguous in the "Hollow Men" at times, thru his overuse of allusions, and hence, meaning can be lost...if...
  20. T

    Poetry is stupid

    dw, we're not offended..., ignor4mus and I just love an argument, lol, its feels good to argue wif other people, especially when u rip them