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  1. T

    Poetry is stupid

    nice ignor4mus, couldn't have said it better myself. Finally someone agrees wif me, that Elito's overuse of allusions is a credit to his stupidity. Anhyway, like i said soulsearcher, we would think of a way to destroy ur post...feel free to fight back let the argunment continue GO...
  2. T

    Poetry is stupid

    soulsearcher man, that was a joke, that was just a bit of humour, u can't really judge me and say that i'm being hypocritical, it was a little joke, why did u think i put 'lol' at the end of my sentence i thought u would have picked up on that. and much of my bagging has gon eto...
  3. T

    Does anyone know?

    yeh, ur alright but r u sure u only want to do 10 units, cos when they give u a UAI, they choose ur top 10 units, and cos u only got 10, u don't have any backup supply just in case u don't go as well as you planned but, its up to u, don't let me influence u
  4. T

    I need Recommendations.

    yeh, like wat soulsearcher said, it doesn't matter wat combination of subjects u do, u can still get a good UAI don't be swayed by scaling and other stuff like that on particluar subjects, cos that is a wrong way to look at it (scaling differs from year to year anyway, so it's almost...
  5. T

    Poetry is stupid

    of course its juvenile humour wat else would it be, lol "hollow Man" is an infringement of copyright laws
  6. T

    Poetry is stupid

    lol, soulsearcher, u got to get off the fence and take a side, plz tell me ur view, cos i want to noe come poetry, and more specifically eliot stupid or not??? by sitting back, ur acting like a hollow
  7. T

    Poetry is stupid

    EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just to re-iterate, this is what ignor4mus... and i have been trying to say. It is completely and totally relevant in regards to wat the author is attempting to bring across to the audience. Poetry is written as an ecprssion of feeling. Yes, i believe that it does...
  8. T

    Poetry is stupid

    Eliot is NOT beautiful stuff, the Hollow Men is full of negative connotations, and is very depressing:mad1:
  9. T

    Poetry is stupid

    EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay. Enoguh of this garbage of how the poem makes YOU feel. When Eliot was alive and writing the "Hollow Men", u actually think he was caring about how it's gonna make US feel. Of course NOT!!!! He was focusing on how he was going to present his point, and bring it...
  10. T

    Poetry is stupid

    that's it ignor4mus, and fanx for agreein wif me and, u twoguys r champions, Eliot is emo, and he should wirte better poetry
  11. T

    Poetry is stupid

    go, speak the truth Hollow Men = Depressing Eliot = emo Poetry = .....well, poetry is a way of expressing feeling, and in this case, we as readers should be able to feel the message which Eliot is intending to bring across to us. However, as reasers, we tend to get caught up in a...
  12. T

    Poetry is stupid

    i reckon that Eliot is gay cos he can't make up his own stuff. I think this is the fourth or fifth time i've said it, but he just alludes, alludes, and wait for it........alludes a bit more. Most of his work is referencing other texts, hardly any originality. Come on Eliot, where's the...
  13. T

    Poetry is stupid

    TS Eliot is depressed, i i said TS Eliot = emo, but he isn't really a legend.
  14. T

    Poetry is stupid

    i have to agree with on this one. to many people just jump on the bandwagon in reagrads to the poetry of Eliot. I noe this satement is slightly contradictory on my first post in this thread, but everyone has to make their own view. Don't take someone else's view, and just re-iterate...
  15. T

    Poetry is stupid

    its a breach of copyright laws cos all eliot has done is that he has taken other peoples' stuff, and used it for his own. The whol poem is made up of allusions, its all referencing to other people's pieces. If you were time, Eliot, write something more original, if you could.
  16. T

    Poetry is stupid

    yeh, i agree with ignor4mus. Eliot is very bored. The Hollow Men is vary sepressing. yeh, sure, the times of Eliot were depressing, but he didn't have to go and wite a poem, so as to take his depression out on us, or to make us feel depressed. Eliot = emo. a gay man....get a life =)...
  17. T

    Poetry is stupid

    to be honest, i'm divided over the whole T.S eliot "hollow men" issue. to me, the poem that he is written is not beautiful, its far from it. The poem itself presents a lot of negativity, and brings along with it a sense of depression, and dullness. Yeh sure, the way the poem is written, its...
  18. T

    Calculus of the physical world

    sorry, that t(sub)2(/sub) meant t squared
  19. T

    Calculus of the physical world

    the derivative of the displacement function is the velocity the derivative of the velocity function is the acceleration x= displacement . x= velocity .. x= acceleration e.g: displacement = t(sub)2(/sub) + 5t + 6 therefore, velocity = 2t + 5 and acceleration = 2 in this case, the...
  20. T

    2u Mathematics Marathon v1.0

    there u go, soulsearcher, thank u for a good question, and a sensible 1, can i remind u that this is a 2unit forum, not 4 unit, so complex numbers won't be examined, and plz don't post 4 unit questions, i can't answer them...<?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"...