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    ~!~!offer round problem!!~~

    was ur preliminary round offer ur first preference? if so.. how did you get an offer in the main round without taking any action on (i.e. declining/accepting) the preliminary round offer... im in a dilemma with preliminary round offers and late round offers too..but doesnt look like...
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    ~!~!offer round problem!!~~

    ova the hills, was the offer in the preliminary round a first preference offer??? if so, then how did you get another offer in the main round without taking any action on (i.e. accepting/declining) the preliminary round offer? im sorta in a dilemma atm too..
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    cant get offer in a round till accepted/declined first pref offer in a previous round

    IS THIS TRUE??? and also.. i am going to accept my preliminary round offer so i can apply for a late round offer in another course that i (now) want to do.. can i decline the preliminary round offer, after i have accepted it? i hear u can choose to decline the offer, even after...
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    Who is going to MAQ?

    nnnnnnnnooooooooooooo... im thinking of doing medical sciences at macquarie university too... someone please reassure me about their medical science dept.
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    preliminary offer pending: do i get offers in other rounds?

    i have a preliminary round offer (my first preference at the time) that is pending - that is, i haven't accepted or rejected it yet. Is this why I was not offered a main round offer? Now, that the main round offer is gone, I would still like to apply with a different first preference for the...
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    no offers: clarification needed

    yes, the change of preferences link is up now.. but i am still wondering why the hell i didnt get any offers..
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    no offers: clarification needed

    um yeah i know..but still, its shitting me atm.. oh, and im trying to change my preferences for consideration in the late round... how can i do that now? there's no link that allows me to change my preferences once i log into my account... somebody?
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    no offers: clarification needed

    can someone pls help explain this.. i am mystified. i put macquarie university, B Medical Sciences as my first preference before the 5th of January, with two other preferences. when i checked my offers just then, i get a message saying i have not received any offers. ANY. and im sure that...
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    IMPORTANT: those who didn't get ANY offers

    i have the same message pop up on my offer webpage.. but can someone pls help me find out why this is the case.. i applied for medical sciences at macquarie university as my first preference... and i got a uai of greater than the cut-off... wot is going on????.. :(
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    Biology Honour Roll

    r u saying that everyone after elisabeth also got 96 as their hsc mark?
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    I need some subtle ways of letting a girl know I like her :p

    sif a chick who thinks of u as nothing more than a work colleague would say something that direct and blatantly transparent ..
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    UAI 99.90 - tutoring in Bio. Chem. Phy. Eng (adv). Extn 1 Maths. Extn 2 Maths.

    both. the one that didn't count for me was chemistry.. don't ask me how :rolleyes:
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    what is macquarie medical science like?

    oh my god.. ur joking rite? it sounds really bad from wot uve said.. i mean i love the sciences, and i don't think a few dangerous experiments or a few lacking staff members would put me off biology and chemistry.. but still.. *mutters* anyway, um yes, i would like to transfer to...
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    Biology Honour Roll

    I got 96 too but i wasn't on the honour roll... double you tee
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    what is macquarie medical science like?

    just wondering.. does anyone have any suggestions or warnings for budding freshmans like myself..
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    Favourite Chemistry Term

    yeah thats my favourite too.. :rolleyes: my favourite chem term is prolly mole.. reminded me of little moles
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    What are you currently Reading?

    Shantaram by Gregory Roberts.. ive only read about 100 pages of this 900 page book, but honestly, it's so captivating..his descriptions are so realistic and rich, it's like you are himself. By the way, it is witty and very funny. :)
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    UAI 99.90 - tutoring in Bio. Chem. Phy. Eng (adv). Extn 1 Maths. Extn 2 Maths.

    As long as it is less than an hour's travel, then I am willing to make a sacrifice. And besides, I'm sure with an hour's travel from my side, and (if needed) some travel from you towards the mutual destination inbetween, it should be not-too-bad.. If still interested, please PM me or otherwise.