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  1. S

    My Subjects..and Hi!

    hmm...i plan on doing extention 2 english and keep 3U maths...opinions?
  2. S

    My Subjects..and Hi!

    thanks ^.<
  3. S

    My Subjects..and Hi!

    Heya people, as you probably can see from my post count (or the non-existence of it) im a new user to these boards..So i would just like to say Hi!.. i was wondering what you people think about the subjects that im doing which are: 3U Maths 3U English -English Advanced 2U Biology 2U...
  4. S

    ever been attractec to ur bestie??

    um..yes i have been attracted to one of my besties.. and now we've been dating for about...4 months now. its actually going quite great ^.^