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  1. stoydgen

    Identify problems with experiment question...

    amm lets c... *Brushes should be made of graphite/carbon not copper *no power source *coil not connected to split ring commutator
  2. stoydgen

    Geophysics (yes people do geophysics)

    I know at least 6 people done it (our class :p) lol seriously is that it?
  3. stoydgen

    Geophysics (yes people do geophysics)

    Soo what did ya guys think of the geophysics section (if anyone does it?)
  4. stoydgen

    Michael Jordan

    I ahted the question lol, but i bullshitted my way through it. Good thing im a fan of jordan :p
  5. stoydgen

    Rate the exam

    Hmm the exam was about expected. Harder than i wanted it to be, but i think since it was harder than last years, scaling might vary a little bit. Hopefully i still top the class :p
  6. stoydgen

    What are the distances for the transmission mediums?

    The wise teenager rules again ;)
  7. stoydgen

    Umm principle of relativity

    Err.. name calling won't get a young mind like yourself anywhere... but to failure unless i post the answer? Alrighty then anyways basically it is not possible in an inertial frame of reference to detect uniform velocity without referring to another frame of reference. Happy... Boof head :p
  8. stoydgen

    Umm principle of relativity

    lol mee understands now, found a nice summary, thanks for your help aye :D
  9. stoydgen

    Umm principle of relativity

    Isnt that one of his postulates?
  10. stoydgen

    Umm principle of relativity

    Hey guys just having trouble gettin a concise piece of writing explaining this dot point. Can anyone sum this one up in a few lines? Cheers.
  11. stoydgen

    heat of combustion of ethanol

    It's less than, thus more ethanol needs to be combusted in order for it to produce the same heat as octane EIDT: too late lol :p
  12. stoydgen

    Teachers Prediction

    MUAHAHAHAH! See my teacher is the bomb! :D lolz how did everyone go on it anyways? Well not everyone seems to be online the day before an exam :rolleyes: P.S My teacher really is the bomb, he's the only teacher i thought prepared us fully for the exams :D
  13. stoydgen

    Reputation points.

    FREE CHOCOLATE GIMME! :D (hopes he'll get repped back :p)
  14. stoydgen

    Who is not even half way though there hsc yet?

    I got three left, IPT tuesday arvo, Wednesday morn physics, and then I.T on the BLOODY LAST DAY AARGH! why does the easiest exam have to be on the last day :S
  15. stoydgen

    Easy exam for anyone?

    I MIGHT land a band 6, but doubt it. You never know these days but, lets just hope the 4 guys above me reckon the same (one guy walked out thinking he's gonna get 95:O) It was a hard test, but if you studied the boring stuff, it was do-able. Reckon it was easy if studied :p Cheers. Ron
  16. stoydgen

    HSC: What's going to be your WORST SUBJECT????

    Maths Fo sho! But it dont count to my UAI :rolleyes:
  17. stoydgen


    Hmm another geo-physicser aye? SWEET! lol rightio, i'll stick to geo, as my teacher can help me out then (although my tutor cant :S) Cheers megzi-may! Ron.
  18. stoydgen

    what number do u put on the cover of exam paper? 1566****or11566****

    They will prollie realise u put ur UAC number instead of ur student number and sort it accordingly.
  19. stoydgen

    Who has one of these?

    Firstly it's stimulus :D Secondly we were the first year to get journeys, and year is the last :p