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  1. obimoshman1234

    HSC Video Blog.

    ok i have got one exactly what subjects i mean hsc days will u be filming i mean besides say english cause i mean ur not really going to go in on days when u dont have an exam just to film those that do are u??? oh and u hsould probably mention the subjects ur going to film in ur next vid...
  2. obimoshman1234

    HSC Video Blog.

    nah u dont have anyone to cry about and yell at people to leave them alone or do u????????? well only prob is once 2008 hsc is over this exam thoughts forum will be collapsed so u will probably have to post up link again somewhere on nsw hsc forum
  3. obimoshman1234

    HSC Video Blog.

    lol very well put only problem is these vids wont get many views and secondly they will probably get lost amongst the millions of vids on youtube
  4. obimoshman1234

    HSC Video Blog.

    wow i have to admit microwave u are certainly putting urself out there lol
  5. obimoshman1234

    Dus music stimulate ur minds during study?

    i just listen to metal with lots of kickass solos and heavy bass dont know why but it helps
  6. obimoshman1234

    Feeling Like Shit?

    hey ur suppose to use my supplementary material i posted
  7. obimoshman1234

    How many exams do you have?

    do u mean left or all up?
  8. obimoshman1234

    Feeling Like Shit?

    all i can say is this thread has now become hella funny and i must add this WOMEN - A CHEMICAL ANALYSIS ------------------------- -- Element: Women Symbol: Wo Discoverer: Adam Atomic Mass: Accepted at 53.6 kg, but known to vary between 40 & 200 kg Occurences: Copious...
  9. obimoshman1234

    HSC Video Blog.

    :eek: :eek: what tantrum????????????? meh oh well lol these videos allow me to procrastinate from study so its all good lol
  10. obimoshman1234

    HSC Video Blog.

    ur not serious about that right because u have to realize most people who say that on the net well lets just say you would rather they wouldnt if u saw them face to face LOL anyway whens todays vid going up?
  11. obimoshman1234


    hhmm weird no one actually mentioned that haemoglobin can carry four units of oxygen besides minor mention in saturation part but would make no sense unless this was explain. Plus its because it can carry four oxygen units it is efficent at carrying oxygen...... Next Question: Identify the...
  12. obimoshman1234

    HSC Video Blog.

    lol copycat this will only be good if u pretty much do almost all subjects not exactly all but a hell of alot of them otherwise the true hsc wont be shown only like half
  13. obimoshman1234


    ppffftttt the op is right this aint going to be hard
  14. obimoshman1234

    Divorced Parents?

    lol u have to check her hsc is 2009
  15. obimoshman1234

    Answering English Paper 2 in French

    henry are u in some form of trolling mood after todays english paper???
  16. obimoshman1234

    Now that English is over..

    like i am still saying my bio then legal double is worse
  17. obimoshman1234

    Caught cheating

    lol no what would be worse is if u get caught yet u have still have to finish it
  18. obimoshman1234


    god no but i mean there would be a minimum attendance u need to meet to pass the prelim course or to meet the reuirements i am sure of it just like hsc year and everything so thats probably the main thing and what subject did he get N award in
  19. obimoshman1234

    Wasted ur hsc year?

    does anyone feel they wasted their hsc year. This can be u mean u wasted ur time not studying and prob could have dropped out. Or u spent all ur time studying and well didnt participate in any of the fun things u got to do in ur final year???? i know i kinda regret not doing some things but...