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  1. bringbackshred

    To stay or go?

    While I love your pre-emptive strike against people like me, I would like to inform you that I actually have to click on the thread to read its contents when you give it such an ambiguous title. :) In terms of your notes etc, why are you going to bother keeping them, let alone typing them up...
  2. bringbackshred

    So, who's finished?

    Fucking hell. This thread has some amazing spam. Let's just say I'm finished. And that freedom never tasted so sweet. (Or so much like Jagermeister)
  3. bringbackshred


    Of course it was bloody strong. You're you. I, on the other hand, made a breakfast out of my exam. Terrible. If they give me 35, I expect pigs to fly over my head.
  4. bringbackshred

    So what can I throw out?

    I kept my Major Work for EE2 and a few related documents. (Report/RS) Everything else went down the shitter. So happy about it now though.
  5. bringbackshred

    So, who's finished?

    I'll be done in 13 hours and 5 minutes.
  6. bringbackshred

    This is why I do 12 units...

    Because not only did I create that picture, I also take it seriously.
  7. bringbackshred

    This is why I do 12 units...

    I love how you assume, based on an overly inaccurate stereotype, that people who associate with others in a friendly way on the internet do not actually have friends in real life. It takes a real low-life to log on to the internet for the specific reason of bagging people out. Assuming by your...
  8. bringbackshred


    But I wants Sydney... :(
  9. bringbackshred


    Fridges are tasty.
  10. bringbackshred

    Your Exam Supervisors

    I keep forgetting you swing that way and it freaks me every time. :P You prepared, Xuan?
  11. bringbackshred


    Economics. Low 90s would be nice. Means I get Usyd or UNSW.
  12. bringbackshred

    Extension confusion

    A lot of what you want to know is in the syllabus, so check that out and it should answer a few questions. In regards to your comment that you think your story is a little too 'babyish', it isn't. You can't twist a genre to make it all artsy or whatnot like some of the pompous stories you see...
  13. bringbackshred

    Going beyond my specialised area of study in English Advanced and Extension 1

    The idea of EE2 is that is supposed to embody some sort of freedom for the composer in what they want to do. This seems to be a major problem for a lot of the 08 cohort, and I'm not sure why. Do your major work first without worrying about how it links to Advanced or Extension 1. You can come...
  14. bringbackshred

    What's your critical response about?

    Good to see you've got a solid thesis down already. Good luck. :)
  15. bringbackshred

    Vocabulary Expansion

    Read higher level things - things which will tend to have a formal register. Academic stuff, etc. If you come across a word you don't know, anywhere, look it up and try to use it in its correct context. Use thesauruses a lot and try and find the most pompous sounding word for everything. And...
  16. bringbackshred


    You sure you're not doing a PIP? That sounds a hell of a lot like a PIP. You'll have to speak to a teacher or people about making it 'Englishy'.
  17. bringbackshred

    How u feel going in to the exam

    Software put me right off any thoughts of Software engineering. Ewwwww.
  18. bringbackshred

    Multiple choice answers

    Enjoy a failed life. You act like a 14 year old on here.
  19. bringbackshred

    Did anyone else think that exam was hard?

    Zomg no sorts. I completely forgot about that. If I got one sort question, I would have been completely fucked.
  20. bringbackshred

    Did anyone else think that exam was hard?

    It seemed easier to me. Bear in mind that I don't know half the course and I'm aiming for 50 raw. I swear there was something up with Question 23 - that threw me right off. (Yes, I have seen the other thread) But yeah, overall it wasn't too bad even though I'm going to fail miserably. I'm just...