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    Please help (Assessment)

    Can u plz tell me what are some related texts to raw. I am desperate plz thanks
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    plz help

    hey guys and girls i was just wondering does anyone have any notes on the different readings of king lear like the femminist interpretation, if u do and ur willing to pass them on can u please send them to me at: Thanks
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    King Lear

    Hey guys and girls, I was just wondering does anyone know of a theatre production that is currently on for king Lear, if there is can u please specify the details. Thanks
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    hey I just dropped 3-unit maths cause i was doin shit at it, i was failing, anways looking at all my friends from last year's HSC i found all the people that got above the 90 as a UAI were doing 3-unit maths, do u think i have a chace at getting above the 90 as a UAI even though i dropped...
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    PLZ predict

    i am not to sure about my rank currently but the number of people doin my subjects are as follows. Chem: 19 Phys:22 Adv eng: 26 SOR:7 Math's:34 Business:20
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    PLZ predict

    I know annoying this is but can u plz just predict my UAI. I go to a school that was ranked 68 last year, there exams are difficult, and these are my average currently. Physics 78 SOR 80 Chemistry 64 Business studies 75 Adv English 81 Math’s 2-unit 60
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    Help Plz

    If anyone has any questions that i can use to make up my marketing plan on billabong can u plz send them thanks
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    2005 HSC Exam Timetable - what do u think?

    I guss some people are lucky. I start from the first day all the way until the second last day with my last exam being Business Studies
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    Plz Help

    I have to write this marketing plan up and i was just wondering if anyone could tell me what are the headings that should be included in a marketing plan. Thanks
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    Post Ur Notes

    Please post ur notes on the cross study "scared stories and Text" i really need them so plz help out. thanks double thread post...please dont snapperhead
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    Post Ur Notes

    Please post ur notes on the cross study "scared stories and Text" i really need them so plz help out. thanks
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    half yearly

    Look i don't why ur doin the yr 11 topics, just do the 2 yr 12 topics, and just do as many past papers as u can, they will really help, although u might not even know the basics but just still do them and good luck
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    Coca Cola Amatil

    Hi I was just wondering if anyone has got a report discussing Coca Cola Amatil for "business management and change", if u have can u plz help me write mine. Thanks
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    Plz Help

    Yea sorry i just wrote a general message
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    Plz Help

    It's not what i am after cause i have to write up a report within regards to "business management and change", so if anyone has anything on that can they plz post it. Thanks
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    Plz Help

    Hi I need serious help, does anyone have any reports written on the case study for coca- cola, if u do, can u plz send them 2 me at Thanks
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    Post Ur Exams

    Hey guys can u plz post any exams that you might have had because I have my half yearly coming up and I can't seem to find any practice papers. Thanks
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    Please help

    Hi I am doing my STAT test in a few days and i really need help. Does anyone have any past papers that they could send to be so that I can practise on, it will much appreciated. Thanks
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    Does anyone know how the short-story Araby relate to the concept of physical journey. THANKS
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    texts - song and journeys booklet

    if u have that essay on the ivory trail can u plz send it to me cause i'm having trouble with it thanks