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  1. obimoshman1234

    2008 CSSA Bio Exam Thoughts/Results

    Re: CSSA Bio exam thoughts man seriously this biology cssa trial was really easy. I mean yesterday afternoon i sat the physics one which was weird more than hard and i expected the same from this but i men it wasnt there this was just so totally easy. i mean ok i know alot of people going to...
  2. obimoshman1234


    best way to study for legal is essential going through the syllabus dot points and making direct notes to them, anwsering the key issues and uestions at end of each topic, researching some related legislation, media and cases, and doing practice papers
  3. obimoshman1234

    'Work Choices' Legislation

    not entirely however no one can be put on any of the contracts stipulated under it instead have been replaced with ITEA individual transitional employment agreements. government fulling removing work choices in 2010 lol
  4. obimoshman1234

    Trials Thoughts/Results

    Re: Trials Thoughts xD lol trials so far for me havent lived up to the idea of being extremely difficult. However all i have done so far are english maths 2u ancient history still got legal and physics both tomorrow morning then afternoon respectively then followed in next morning by biology...
  5. obimoshman1234

    2008 HSC Timetable

    ffs pretty much all my tests have only about 3-2 days between them and not to mention like many others i have the legal studies biology exams on same day ggrrrr but i finish on nov 4th so its ok i guess
  6. obimoshman1234

    The correct answers to commonly asked questions- read before you post.

    OK so pretty much for ur uai if u dont got a good internal rankings and even though u beat people ranked higher than u on the test it only helps their marks and my uai will be shit because of it? even though i out performed in test my internal rank determines overall whats going to happen to my...
  7. obimoshman1234

    The Woolworths Thread

    WWOOO lol i didnt know this thread existed anyway i am checkout chick at winston hills lol
  8. obimoshman1234

    Official Xbox 360 Thread

    ok dude are u a professional reviewer? do u mabye have a job with gaming consoles? or u just a sony, nintendo or pc fan? either way ur just bias i mean i got 360 and well it beats all other consoles in power and graphics. Try playing COD 4 on xbox 360. Anyway anyone play guitar hero here or...
  9. obimoshman1234

    Delian League

    delian league begins in 479 at end of persian wars under leadership of Aristides but was then later under control of Kimon. Pericles came in after Kimons ostracism in 461 and he made anti spartan/ pro athenian empire changes
  10. obimoshman1234

    HSC 2008 ancient history students topics

    lol the period of time with pericles in it i have sorta covered in Greece 500-440 he is after persian wars mainly involved in delian league and its expansion into an empire
  11. obimoshman1234

    HSC 2008 ancient history students topics

    OK i want to know the different periods of times, societies, historical place and personalities. For my school crestwood we are doing Period of time: Greece 500-450 bc Socity: Sparta (WOOOTTTTTZZOOOORRRR) Core: Herculanium/Pompei Personality: HANNIBAL(pwnge) so what r u guys doing also mabye...
  12. obimoshman1234

    R v. King

    ok first i need to know what time frame u r restricted 2. The criminal justice issuse involved in these cases is the fact no legislation was in place to protect the unborn children
  13. obimoshman1234

    The Greek Wolrd 500-450 BC assessment 2008

    So basically i know this period off by heart yet for this assessment i have 2 options which are 1. "One of the key elements of the Greek victory over the Persians was the quality of Greek leadership" Assess this statement with reference to two fo the following men: Miltiades: heroic...
  14. obimoshman1234

    Basic nesscities for legal studies

    This is a list of things you need to do for legal to be at the top of the subject: 1. Keep up with any law reforms or proposed law reforms by using the herald, radio etc. Very useful 2. ON starting HSC year start collecting newspaper or media about law and society(Human rights), Crime and your...
  15. obimoshman1234

    Rules for obtaining evidence

    i dont know the rules or prodcedures however i know they need a warrant. Just something you should remember the is a proposed law reform giving the police more powers: *can go for 5 days before having to obtain court order warrant *life of warrant extended from 21 days to 90 days *can use...
  16. obimoshman1234

    mens rea

    OK this is how it goes: intention= malice afore thought straight out murder reckless indifference= still murder due to knowing of actions result in death of other/s negligence = this will drop charges down to manslaugther or to be specific involuntary manslaughter. This is why lawyers use...
  17. obimoshman1234

    R v. King

    OK i am doing Byron's law as well as oral report. Best way to do this is i think to do both cases due to the fact we dont have all info on court case R v Harrigan due to being district court also if u start with that one u can roll onto how this case used as precedent in R v King case. Alot more...