Search results

  1. I

    What are you doing for end of HSC?

    plan to rock up to this party and party again on sat
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    What are you doing for end of HSC?

    kool your on the same boat as me except i aint gonna get in to it untill after christmas
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    A question for all the girls out there

    officially they weren't going out whats it matter
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    cant do commerce /law with any of the space streams you have to get a distinction average in first years to get into law or even high distinction will be requried combined with a high uai they take half your uni results and half your uai
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    can u guys/girls help me out

    thats kool then ,when i get rejected i immediately move on to the next chick, then with your new chic be sure to rub your new chic's face in front of the one that rejected you jealousy can go along way boy,the rejected chic will sure go for you when your single again.Does it really matter...
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    you cant do the double with commerce and law in 2006,they changed it this year ,but you could do it last year (thats whats written under the uac book)
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    can u guys/girls help me out

    stop whatever your doing your a virtual clinger ,you know your just tagging around her,while shes really hating it or just enjoying the attention she gets from you to show off to her friends sorry mate she only wants to be friends,chicks don't want clingy guys,choose the kind of dude you...
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    POST- HSC anxiety

    yeah just about every 2nd exam that i ve had has been bad
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    what hand are you

    yeah research has shown that left handed people are smarter in the more scientific fields as they use the right side of the head,the more logical creative side where as the left side of the brain is more passive(right handers) and these people predominantly domiant over the left handers in...
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    Which is worse?

    doing hsc is the worse part of it,think of it this way -when you finished for like a month you won't know if you went bad or good -at the least you have a month to celebrate with your friends who will be on the same boat as you -but after you get your results no one will be on the same...
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    the "OMG i STILL havnt finished the HSC" thread

    dammm i got economics on the last day ,im already in holiday mode been bludging these past 3 days
  12. I

    What were funniest momentf of your HSC

    in prelim i was so bored after finishing my exam the teacher clearly said not to write on the back of the pages so i wrote "don't read this back page fool" i got an afternoon detention where i got to use the libaray resources to help me on my assignment which was a detention with...
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    Traveling at the speed of light!

    interesting but that wouldnt really apply to like what my career would be like in the future example in the future will i be the next einstein lol?
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    Traveling at the speed of light!

    the future wouldn't have occured yet or unless your talking about travelling in the ship where time would be slower
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    Traveling at the speed of light!

    if travelling faster than speed of light that means we would beable to view the past
  16. I

    Traveling at the speed of light!

    hahahaha you've been reading too much of physics contexts but as you already can see as you approach the speed of light your mass gains considerably and you can't approach that asymtope the other theory was that you could fold up space like roll it uplike a newspaper so as to try to...
  17. I

    Stuff the school certificate

    easy just think of a story before hand, any story and just manipulate it to fit the question your story should contain -reason for journey -barriers encountered -extending yourself emotionally,intellectually,physically -learn about yourself -learn about the world
  18. I

    Stuff the school certificate

    actually doing med at uni is the best job you can get,after graduating you start on a salary of about 50 grand which then rises up to 100 grand in your 3rd year of graduating,and if you go on to get masters and do surgery you still get the same salary as you would with out the masters working in...
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    Stuff the school certificate

    next year you will realise everything goes downturn girl
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    Stuff the school certificate

    as in studying year 11 stuff in yr 10 and yr 12 stuff in yr 11 i know a couple of guys who do that at tutoring, now they have like a whole year to study hsc, heaps of james ruse people do that as well,instead of accelerating their subjects such as doing 4 unit maths at tutoringin yr 11