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  1. I

    First Thing

    well i usually go for the chicks with a really cute face(almost baby like) thats the first thing i go for,hair colour doens't really matter to me,They dont have to have a full on body for me but i prefer the skinny ones
  2. I

    Boyfriend going on schoolies cruise... Girlfriend not

    oh no worrys grl how bout u jst hook up wif a hot looking guy like me that way u got nothing to worry about,he cheat u cheat =
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    Boyfriend going on schoolies cruise... Girlfriend not

    ahahahahahaha pussy whipped or he could probably just cheat on you with out you knowing ................... ........... ......... .................. .................. .................................. ...
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    Catholic Trial Multiple Choice Q 1

    The official answer was nafta from the marking criteria answers,i also put down wto but in my text book by tim riley it says the world trade organisation is the biggest multilateral agreement,but i havent put forward the case yet so maybe ill do that tomorrow
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    student teacher relationships

    there is this teacher that i use to flirt with at skool in like year 10 and 11,she was always checking me out in pe ohhhhhhhh yeah in substitute lessons. one lesson i had her as a substitute in a normal class and she was being extra nice to me (like sucking up)while telling off the other kids...
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    as soon as u finish ur last HSC exam???

    kool im planning to hold in a fart for last exam, that d be so funny every1 will be quiet in economics,then i'll walk up to the econmics teacher at the end and tell him to go fuk himself and get a life
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    Maths 3 unit and 4 unit uai and scaling

    no no i did ext2 for a while,and it is totally different from other courses,3u has scaling of about 15 while 4u has scaling of about 20.Also the 4 unit course is designed so that you can't finish the paper,note no one has ever finished the paper,there is heaps of random shit in it.Like questions...
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    Multiple Entry Criteria

    if u read on the web link,nsw is lifting their uais to 85 + in 2006 ,therefor its not so bad after all
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    cssa 2005 trial results

    how did everyone go with their marks.Iwent pretty shit only two people passed in my class,but thats maybe because the teachers mark really hard,in every assesment only half the people pass oh well
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    Cssa Results

    not that id make much of a difference if whole class is marked like that
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    aeronautical engineer????????????

    aeronautical/space engineer???????????? hey im in year 12 at the moment and was wondering wot the course is like ,is it interesting ;wots different bout it compared with sydney(can someone post up the subjects throughout the course) Also when you finish the degree can you automatically go...