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  1. S

    Who's Staying Up Until 6am?????

    u ppl have some wierd taste in music :rolleyes:
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    Who's Staying Up Until 6am?????

    crowded house.......ewww the fugees were alright though :cool:
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    Who's Staying Up Until 6am?????

    oh god......if there was ever a time to play the song 'killing me softly', now would be it
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    Who's Staying Up Until 6am?????

    well you're quite the comforter aren't you :rolleyes:
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    Who's Staying Up Until 6am?????

    ^ yep, except I've been awake since like 3:30
  6. S

    Which results are you dying to see?!

    Although business studies is my easiest subject and was my best subject, I did reallyyy crap in the exam so I'm dying to see that
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    Who's Staying Up Until 6am?????

    Insha'Allah :) I'm so annoyed, I full wanted to go and do dua nudba this morning @ the mosque before I got my results. Then my older brother randomly decides to stay at my grandma's for the night and I'm left home without a car and with 2 agonising hours left until I get my results :(
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    Who's Staying Up Until 6am?????

    90ish hopefully
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    Who's Staying Up Until 6am?????

    hey thanks.......and make dua for me to go well!
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    Who's Staying Up Until 6am?????

    Hey I know this is a totally random q how do I find out what time it is atm in other parts of the world? Anyone got a site or anything?
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    Cronulla Beach Incident

    Yeah but I meant it shouldn't matter
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    Who's Staying Up Until 6am?????

    I can't believe all of you are up......I tried to sleep at like 12:45 and I just randomly woke up then for no reason
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    Cronulla Beach Incident

    What does it matter who did it........whether they were leb or aussie, they're obviously sick in the head
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    What natio are you?
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    General Discussion on the 2005 HSC marks/UAI

    I'm more curious about what u got in SOR lol
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    General Discussion on the 2005 HSC marks/UAI

    ^I'm practically positive you'll get over 29.......over 50 actually
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    lol well I'm not asian but I feel your pain......the suspense is killing me! Just try and go to sleep so that 6am comes around alot quicker
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    First Place in Course 2005

    Ofcourse! She's my best friend..... you don't go to our school do you? :cool: