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  1. S

    Who's Staying Up Until 6am?????

    I probly won't be able to sleep on fri night/sat morn
  2. S

    First Place in Course 2005

    ^ congrats to best friend topped modern greek and greek extension last year
  3. S

    First Place in Course 2005

    ^hey did they give u guys like a cheque or anything?
  4. S

    Things to do whilst waiting for the HSC marks/UAI

    Play pictionary? how cute.......and non mind-occupying lol.....I'd prefer scrabble ;)
  5. S

    First Place in Course 2005

    Who was the chick who topped 3 subjects? I can't be bothered looking through the whole list again
  6. S

    General Discussion on the 2005 HSC marks/UAI

    Aww ur so cute, I really hope u do really well! Don't worry, 6am will come around quicker than u think! I know this will be hard but just try not to think about it, occupy yourself somehow. Anyway, best of luck!
  7. S

    General Discussion on the 2005 HSC marks/UAI

    lollllll :( yes, yes I did.......but he didn't borrow the phone specifically for that purpose, he borrowed it like a week ago coz he couldn't find his charger lol btw, who just watched the news?
  8. S

    General Discussion on the 2005 HSC marks/UAI

    ^ he's borrowed my phone for the time being too grrr lol
  9. S

    General Discussion on the 2005 HSC marks/UAI

    YEAH, tell me about it! He thinks I should feel obliged to let him see my results before I do because I saw his results before he did...... :rolleyes: lol
  10. S

    General Discussion on the 2005 HSC marks/UAI

    I'm really reallyyyyy nervous, scared, excited, anxious<<<<<just a whole bunch of mixed feelings really.......and my bro isn't making it any better by telling me he's gonna record me on the video camera tomorrow morning when I look at my results :(
  11. S

    First Place in Course 2005

    Congratulations everyone! You guys should be really proud of yourselves.......congrats rench :)
  12. S

    Secondhand Book Stores

    there's a couple in hornsby, there's a couple in parramatta......which area are u looking for them in?
  13. S

    If you used to be a fan of the Babysitters Club

    Ahh memories, I loved these books :rolleyes: I especially loved the mystery series and the super specials Yeah it was Abby's dad who died. Hmm all I remember about Abby was that she had a twin sister (Anna I think?) and she was Jewish and she had like asthma or a back problem or something and...
  14. S

    Bible Bashed for its 'terror'.

    Context doesn't only refer to the placement of the verse within the scripture. Context also refers to things like the time and place in which the verse was revealed.
  15. S

    What is Macquarie Law Like?

    I'd like to do law at macq next year aswell.......a main part of it is coz as scarecrow said, macq is just a very fun and friendly uni. I love that uni :p Also, if u want a social life I'd go for macq over syd because apparently with syd uni the law students only stick with other law...
  16. S

    Ok, let the betting begin....

    ^ lol insha'Allah you'll do well dw......make dua for me to go well!
  17. S

    Cronulla Beach Incident

    Yeah I got this email..... Sydney: The Venue for the 21st century Apartheid? ..please pass it round This is a short message to all those who are and will be involved in the vicious riots that have taken place as a result of the racial war at...
  18. S

    Threat of jihad becuase of icecream

    Yep Ohh, this is in the UK....I only read like the first 2 sentences of the article lol
  19. S

    Cronulla Beach Incident

    Oh ok, yeah my bro got one of them text msgs on monday I think......but I think the msg was meant to be for monday night. Anyway, I hope everyone just apologises to eachother and all of this ends.
  20. S

    Cronulla Beach Incident

    how do u know, and what exactly is supposed to happen?