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  1. spank_meh

    One Tree Hill

    uhhh come on chickens say something lol :rolleyes:
  2. spank_meh

    One Tree Hill

    hmm okies lol im moving to america den!!! bahahah jkz im bored... so y do ppl in aussie dun like it???
  3. spank_meh

    One Tree Hill

    maybe they will bring it bak like they heheheeee
  4. spank_meh

    One Tree Hill

    no it doesnt! oh yeah y would they show it in america den aaa? i still like it sooo neeerrrrr :D
  5. spank_meh

    One Tree Hill

    hmmwell they wont do that haha :D so nerrrr...
  6. spank_meh

    One Tree Hill

    does anyone miss those series coz i do! i was so pissed wen they stoped showing it ARGH!!! i recon it was the best... even better than OC!!! :D so nerrr hahah :rolleyes: does anyone kno wen its coming bak or anything coz apparently it was supposed to be on like by the end of the year or...
  7. spank_meh

    2UNIT paper apparently needed 3UNIT skills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    OMFG i sooo totally agree with wat u said coz its so fuking true... yeah oh well we wont ever have to do this again YAY [unless u wanna do it in uni or something O.o] hahah.... man but that was something i wanned someone to say haha nd u did well done :D
  8. spank_meh

    2UNIT paper apparently needed 3UNIT skills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    yerrrr well i still think that exam was hard hehe really hard... i didnt even have time to do q9..nd 10... nd yeah with me like some one already mentioned previosly it was TIME!!!! i never have enough time duding the exams bahahah
  9. spank_meh

    Taste of Chaos! - Oct 29th

    well u guyz r lucky... dam i wanned to go as well didnt get the tickts hahah :(
  10. spank_meh

    wat do i say??..

    yer i kno but maybe if he leaves me alone for a bit nd the things might cool off... the thing is i feel sorry for him i really do... but i just dun wanna drag him on me coz that'd be just too much... i dunno i'll see how things go... dam its raining haha if mum wasnt home i'd go outside nd get...
  11. spank_meh

    wat do i say??..

    weeellll im confused nd i dun really kno wat he wants from me... coz wen he asked me out nd i go now isnt the right time etc.... he goes if u want just forget i asked that.... well how can u forget that? seriosly? oh yeah nd he actaly asked me out two times........ first time he made it took...
  12. spank_meh

    wat do i say??..

    okies.. he did ask me out but.. i think thats wen the whole friendship thing started to go downhill. firstly i didnt expect him to do that coz i onli see him as a friend if u get my point nd yeah well my excuse at that time was HSC... i thought that i'll change coz i liked him as a friend i...
  13. spank_meh

    time dilation and the paradox thingy

    yeah for sure hahah thanx dude hmm i think im becoming adicted to this site dam :D
  14. spank_meh

    wat do i say??..

    well there is this guy that wont kinda go away... it pisses me off coz he knows that i like someone else... he just keeps coming bak for more... nd i dno wat to tell him so that he leaves me alone. hmm yeah well wen i thought i'd tell him that i like some one he'd leave me alone nd he doesnt he...
  15. spank_meh

    Broken Images to Smilies

    errr smilies...? i dno if someone posted something like this but meh.. well im having trouble with them. the thing is i cant see them they just dun show up... the only ones i can see are: :) :rolleyes: :cool: thats all! does anyone have the same thing? nd does anyone kno y i cant see...
  16. spank_meh

    time dilation and the paradox thingy

    well now that some1 taught me how to use quotes PROPERLY hehe... u confused me on that one:
  17. spank_meh

    quotes trouble..

    ohhh thats the way! well thank u very much i didnt kno that one :D it works yay :) umm but still wat do other thingys do?
  18. spank_meh

    quotes trouble..

    umm i dno wat im doin wrong but wat is the right way of posting someones quote? coz wenever i post one it doesnt have the name of the person who actually says the thing... help? anyone? p.s. wats does php thingy do? nd the html which is next to it? nd the CODE? i seriously dun get any of...
  19. spank_meh


    bahaha wat a small world! hmm i used to live in fairfield as well. yeah i agree neeta city has changed so much haha but im glad that i moved i miss ffield shops but meh
  20. spank_meh

    time dilation and the paradox thingy

    some good point there lol nd u r making sence but yeah something is really missing in here.. but we dun have to kno the answer on that one its not in the syllabus :D or is it? hahah