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  1. bringbackshred

    How was your school day?

    Why thankyou beanie. Now stop rofling at my band.
  2. bringbackshred

    A bit unfair!!

    Get out. Stop being so logical and right. And stop bringing the bad news.
  3. bringbackshred

    How was your school day?

    Thanks for knowing what your husband looks like.
  4. bringbackshred

    A bit unfair!!

    I like your sig. nice metaphor you have going there.
  5. bringbackshred

    How was your school day?

    Well we got a pretty seedy place. Lawl at me.
  6. bringbackshred


    1. It's comment. Although I commend you on your attempts at grammar and spelling. 2. Someone is one word. 3. You really don't need to put the ' :rofl:' emoticon after each statement. It's not needed.
  7. bringbackshred

    Should I Drop To General Maths From 2unit! Help! :(

    If you did Advanced Maths in Year 10, it's all the same (I've learnt maybe 2 new things since year 10 in maths).
  8. bringbackshred

    A bit unfair!!

    *quotes all posts in thread*
  9. bringbackshred

    About you

  10. bringbackshred

    crap guy in class

    Or play-jar-ism.
  11. bringbackshred

    About you

    Yup. Join the club. I'm 100% British, in fact.
  12. bringbackshred

    About you

  13. bringbackshred

    About you

    *professes to know nothing*
  14. bringbackshred

    About you

  15. bringbackshred

    About you

    Haha, it's so bad though... They try to show diversity... Why not not lie?
  16. bringbackshred

    About you

    I diverge from this statement.
  17. bringbackshred

    The Pokémon Center

    Training to challenge 3rd gym atm. All Pokemans at 22.