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  1. bringbackshred

    Is your best subject your favourite also?

    Hahaha, that's why I love General.
  2. bringbackshred

    Is your best subject your favourite also?

    Agreed. *Perfects sixth finger and monobrow*
  3. bringbackshred

    Is your best subject your favourite also?

    Isn't Simpson's rule only in general? Lol.
  4. bringbackshred

    Is your best subject your favourite also?

    + That's a hard question. I'll phone a friend.
  5. bringbackshred

    Is your best subject your favourite also?

    *Joins said hug* There's a Simpsons exam? EDIT: That'd be pretty sweet though, imagine doing Simpsons Extension for the HSC.
  6. bringbackshred

    Is your best subject your favourite also?

    Haha, how's your paddocks goin this winter y'all?
  7. bringbackshred

    which uni?

    I'll write one up for you. Does it matter if i leave eraser marks from my pencil?
  8. bringbackshred

    Is your best subject your favourite also?

    I've seen every episode of the first 13 seasons or so. I'm so sad.
  9. bringbackshred

    Easter Holiday Progress

    I think I might start reading a book for EE1 tonight...
  10. bringbackshred

    Easter Holiday Progress

    Nothing. At all.
  11. bringbackshred

    which uni?

    I'll lecture to you all for 10 bucks an hour. You'll save a lot and learn a lot more.
  12. bringbackshred

    Is your best subject your favourite also?

    Oh noes. Attack of teh interwebs. It always comes back to bite me.
  13. bringbackshred

    Is your best subject your favourite also?

    Haha, no, I don't make them myself. I just tend to have a picture for every context. Don't ask.
  14. bringbackshred

    the subject you have the least confidence in.

    I thought it might have been English........