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  1. bringbackshred

    My first HSC total breakdown... eep. Help with appeal forms?

    Keep posting. I love your rants. Oh guys - you'll be fine.
  2. bringbackshred

    Gmail Paper

    Tisp = win.
  3. bringbackshred

    Weekend Progress

    Let's have a party.
  4. bringbackshred

    How much study do you do?

    Yah, I keep up with homework as well.
  5. bringbackshred

    What are u doing this Holiday? (merged)

    Re: What are u doing this Holiday? Argh, i'm so jealous.
  6. bringbackshred

    Weekend Progress

    Extension 1 English.
  7. bringbackshred

    What are u doing this Holiday? (merged)

    Re: What are u doing this Holiday? Yeah, I'm planning to truy and expand into other genres when I get time (aka not the holidays). I'm looking at things like electronica, etc. Aphex Twin interests me.
  8. bringbackshred

    How much study do you do?

    Well, our school servers are all run from Macs, except one which i think is based on Unix (which OSX is anyway...). Most computers in the school are winblows, but there are a fair few macs. I don't do any study outside of exams. I'm such a good boy. <.<
  9. bringbackshred

    What are u doing this Holiday? (merged)

    Re: What are u doing this Holiday? Mainly metal, although it's funny that my favourite metal incorporates other genres. But I'll listen to just about anything that requires skill to play - this includes, jazz, some classical, blues and whatever else.
  10. bringbackshred

    Weekend Progress

    Yeah, I waited 3 weeks before my test. Make sure you get lessons - that's how I learnt how to reverse park, lol. You sound like you'll be fine though.
  11. bringbackshred

    Weekend Progress

    Agreed. Let's be depressed failing buddies. What are you going to fail?
  12. bringbackshred

    What's on your Year 12 Jersey?

    Lol, myspace. I'm glad I don't have a myspace ID to put on my jersey. :)
  13. bringbackshred

    What are u doing this Holiday? (merged)

    Re: What are u doing this Holiday? What music [b]do[b] you listen to? I'm not a mainstream person either... Ugh. How long since you sent for Ubuntu? They charge for it now.. :/
  14. bringbackshred

    How was your school day?

    I broke my ankle playing football in Year 3. There's an accident, lol.
  15. bringbackshred

    What are u doing this Holiday? (merged)

    Re: What are u doing this Holiday? Haha wow. I would never have thought of the command prompt. I'm not great at command line interfaces, although the terminal in Linux is really growing on me. I know what you mean about backing up too - I recently had my baby (read: 4GB flash drive) stolen...
  16. bringbackshred

    Weekend Progress

    I told you about the evils of that site Sophie. *Evil Glare* In sleeping news, I got 9 and a half hours last night. Very handy. It also means that I won't start studying until 6pm, but meh.
  17. bringbackshred

    What are u doing this Holiday? (merged)

    Re: What are u doing this Holiday? /jealous. I was going to get work at that, but I found that I would be away. Stupid time. Dual booting is REALLY easy. I did it last holidays. It'll just take a day or two of your time to get Ubuntu completely set up, but it is so worth it. If you need help...
  18. bringbackshred

    How was your school day?

    You're OUT. :) I've never ahd a stupid accident at school, unlike the girl in year 4 who ran straight into a pole.
  19. bringbackshred

    What are u doing this Holiday? (merged)

    Re: What are u doing this Holiday? I should try this saying hello thing. It'd probably make me a nicer person.
  20. bringbackshred

    How many units for hsc is too much?

    Yeah, I'd say that at elast 2 units by most were accelerated. Oh yeah, of course it's possible. Unlikely, but impossible.