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  1. bringbackshred

    Having more than ten units

    SS, that was a pretty sweet PDF right there. I learnt a lot of things.
  2. bringbackshred

    How was your school day?

    Had a pretty sweet day, capped off by the best free period of my life. Sitting in the music room with your Ipod hooked up and playing through a rather large and quality sounding speaker system at full volume is something no-one should ever not experience. 50 minutes of solitude. While listening...
  3. bringbackshred

    Help with study? for all your image hosting needs. Google for every other question you will ask today. For extension 2 English too, I'd recommend writing a lot and showing it to everyone you can, no matter who. A girl in my class got some great ideas from a Standard student, so there must be...
  4. bringbackshred

    Help with study?

    Do tons of aural questions for music. Provided you do music 1. And also play a hell of a lot so you can nail the perfs at the end.
  5. bringbackshred

    How was your school day?

    I like fridays on the first week of the cycle. I don't actually go to school.
  6. bringbackshred

    I Am Scared.

    I don't have any brothers or sisters, so my goal is to beat my cousins and school people. My cousins are all younger than me. :/ So there goes that idea.
  7. bringbackshred

    Post your Half-Yearly Study Strategy/Technique

    I'm seriously thinking that an MSN study group would work...... *Takes Nurofen*
  8. bringbackshred

    How was your school day?

    Decent day today - free period last, so I got to get home early. We had 3 reps from Charles Sturt Uni, Southern Cross Uni and UNE to come and speak to us about potential study (pfft), but it was actaully a pretty good way to get out of maths for the second day in a row. I even won a UNE stress...
  9. bringbackshred

    Assessment Marks/Ranks so far

    I think you've easily got a chance at a 6 in Bio. 88% is only 2 marks off it. Well done on all of the other ranks/marks as well.
  10. bringbackshred

    Yr 12 Privileges

    Discounts on the shuffle. Shuffles are ripoffs anyway - they no screen. Than again, I'd take one for free.
  11. bringbackshred

    Do we need the wild?

    That's a pretty sweet essay question right there, and for someone like me who hates Blade Runner, it's a dream come true to not have to write about it. My idea is that the wild in the texts is a purely abstract and irrational concept - one that sometimes the characters don't even know exist...
  12. bringbackshred

    English Extension II... 2007

    Well I'm getting 51, so there. *Pokes tongue out*
  13. bringbackshred


    I'm pretty sure it goes in for marking on the 21st of August. So sometime before then. The Board of Studies has a list of important HSC dates on their website - check it out.
  14. bringbackshred

    What album(s) did you listen to today?

    Sabrepulse - Famicom Collection. Pretty sexay.
  15. bringbackshred

    How was your school day?

    Clubs are pretty cool. They make you feel accepted and stuff, even if they are talking behind your back.
  16. bringbackshred

    How was your school day?

    Anyone watchign the debate on the ABC about education?
  17. bringbackshred

    Anyone else???

    Keep 12. I do Music 1, Software and Extension 2 English. So far I haven't even heard from my Software teacher about our major work and i'm the only person in my music class doing a Viva or a Comp (I'm doing both). It's not so bad.