I would be wary too about that, but most people who come on here and post half regularly seem to be fairly trustworthy, so yeah.
If we could get a giant msn group going or something, that would be pretty cool.
My school day today was actually pretty good. I didn't ahve any classes.
So i'm sitting here watching the Chaser's War On Everything DVDs i bought myself for my birthday. :):)
Yeah, that's the attitude I'm taking - I'm just trying to use that as an improvement and motivation for the future. I hope I will be able to get a nice mark lead coming intot he exams.
I'm so pissed right now. Just got my first English Extesnion 1 assessment back... I came fucking second. Now you may say "Sam, that's not so bad, come on, it's SECOND". But there are 3 people in my bloody class. My mark? 11 out of bloody 15. Top was 12 and the other person got 9.
Haha, today was pretty sweet.
I got 17 hiphip hoorays from my english class for my birthday. i was rofling after about the 5th.
Got to go home early - had last period off and I also skipped Extension English, so it was a pretty short day too.
I swear some of the Year 11 kids need to get rooms...
Agreed, here I am supposed to be doing maths homework and doing some more writing E2 English, but no. I'm posting.