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  1. bringbackshred

    Assessment: Proposal

    Well, shit. I got 7/10 for my proposal.... Apparently it wasn't focused enough and my description of my idea was too vague.. Oh well, i've still got more assessments to go - hopefully that hasn't shot me in the foot for an E4.
  2. bringbackshred

    What was your parents & family reaction to your UAI?

    Congrats to everyone on their efforts this year, and i'm sorry that some people have complete fucktards for parents. Thank God I'm not a city/selective kid.
  3. bringbackshred

    Assessment: Proposal

    Finished mine today - with the help of my good friend Opeth. We had to write 1000 words - I wrote 1150 as well as a 1000 word bibliography. The bibliograpghy didn't take half as long as I thought - which was good. But this was one of the first assessments where I thought about the placement of...
  4. bringbackshred

    Do i want Windows or OS X?

    Just grab an Intel Mac an multi boot it with Windows, OSX and Linux. Can't go wrong.
  5. bringbackshred

    First Three Words of your MW (Just 'Cause)

    "My name Borat..." JK, no not really. :)
  6. bringbackshred

    English Extension II... 2007

    OK, fuck. I'm doing something similar as well, except one might wnat to think of it as an essay transformed into a short story with a fairly long list of influences.
  7. bringbackshred

    Need help plz newbie here fob

    Stay in standard if you are getting 71%. However, if you need advanced or need it for the UAI, move up and work your arse off.
  8. bringbackshred

    Band 1 responses. Funny as hell.

    Fucking amazing.
  9. bringbackshred

    Final Journal Weigh In

    What he said.
  10. bringbackshred

    Dimwitted people...

    Oh yeah. First assessment is Music, coming up soon. Exams are next year in term 1. However I have a few English Extension 1 and 2 pieces due very soon.
  11. bringbackshred

    SC Scaling

    I don't think the SC gets scaled - i think it's only the HSC.
  12. bringbackshred

    Will we get our actual exams back?

    Ugh, I think I'm happy I never got mine back, however I would have loved to see comments on the Geography and History essays that I wrote - every time I wrote one in an exam, it degenerated into a political comment so scathing and so unfounded that I think the Government must be watching me now. <.<
  13. bringbackshred

    Dimwitted people...

    Ahh, the School Certificate - the last haven for dumbshits before they get crushed by Year 11 or the real world. Enjoy your time kiddies, it's the last bludge you will have at school. This time next year, you're going to be insane (kinda like me).
  14. bringbackshred

    What do I have to do to get a band 6??

    I'm in the same position, however I don't think that i'll get 98% in my assessment this year - I hope so though. There is only one guy who is close to me in terms of marks, but I think i've got him covered :)
  15. bringbackshred

    Assessment: Proposal

    I think that i'm in the same boat as you Dizzy.. I might make this forum my second internet home for the next 12 months... Thanks for the things you wrote last year guys - it gave a me a few pointers as my proposal is due very soon.. In a few weeks.
  16. bringbackshred

    Problems in our E2 cohort.

    Wow..... Just fucking wow. I really feel for you guys who have been disadvantaged by all the shit that has gone on for you all. Interesting to hear that most of you guys don't have E2 classes as such, but rather 1-on-1 meetings. We have a one hour class after school on a Thursday, which makes...
  17. bringbackshred

    It's Done, It's In, It's Over!

    That was what my Year 10 Major Work was like... I was so cut that my audio was just out.. But then again, it was really shit quality. I EDITED IT IN WINDOWS BLOODY MOVIE MAKER. Either way, I was the only person to hand in a video on a DVD (on time, at least). I got a 94 possibly because I think...
  18. bringbackshred

    Preparing for year 11 SDD?

    Mate, as long as you have a bit of experience with computers and stuff, you'll be fine. I didn't do any computer courses in 9/10 and I'm coming first in my SDD class at the moment (maybe not such a great achievement, considering the people in it, but still good nonetheless). Anyways, back to...
  19. bringbackshred

    Extension English

    Holy crap, we did Taming of The Shrew and 10 Things... in Year 10. I loathed that... :( Well, I have my Prelim Exam on Friday... I'm not too sure that I'm going to do very well, I have been VERY lazy this year (that's going to change this week). Our teacher actually told our class one of the 2...
  20. bringbackshred

    Extension English

    I'm doing Visions of the Future/Utopia.... It's kind of wierd, but in a good kind of way even though all of our discussion usually turn back to the same one point or branch off into many different areas that have nothing to do witht he issue at hand :P. We have a Visual Representation/Speech...