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  1. K

    ATAR Estimate Please

    ^ words of wisdom/inspiration.
  2. K

    atar estimate

    So you have around 300 people in your grade? What school is this?
  3. K


    im pretty sure you are trolling. bro i am 98th in 4 unit maths, ask ribbans if you want. third......more like third last in 3 unit maths.
  4. K


    dude that is my 4 unit rank
  5. K

    ATAR estimate for a friend

    what? look at his maths and phys ranks. I say 97
  6. K

    ATAR estimate for a friend

    @ Baulko kids why no faith: I siehiously believe atar around 97
  7. K

    Atar estimate please :)

    Don't know who you are talking about.
  8. K

    ATAR estimate

    99.85-99.95 I'm coming to you for doctors certificates.
  9. K

    ATAR estimate please =)

    98.5. What marks do you think he will get with those ranks?
  10. K

    ATAR estimate :D

    yeah that's me.
  11. K

    Atar estimate please :)

    I say 99.4-99.5 How good is your grade at english?
  12. K

    Estimate for a friend :)

    I am sure he will get his husky (if that is the type of dog he still wants). I estimate 99.65-99.85.
  13. K

    atar estimate for a friend

    No I was referring to the OP not his dumb ass friend.