Search results

  1. Crobat

    Retina 5k iMac

    yeah it's unnecessary for the average consumer, but it's still very useful if you're into photography and editing
  2. Crobat

    Retina 5k iMac

    4k is enough tbh but even then Dell had a 5k monitor out a couple of months before the retina 5k so really bragging rights belongs to them
  3. Crobat

    Antibiotics: A Dangerous Pandemic of Overuse

    Haven't taken antibiotics since I got bronchitis in 2008. I'm simply one of those people who dislike taking medication (not even Panadol) except for the stuff that stops diarrhea because that shit nasty Meanwhile my hypochondriac of a mother lives by them
  4. Crobat

    Is going to any uni besides UNSW or USYD worth it for Law?

    It would ultimately come down to the type of person you are and what you can make of yourself and time at uni. USYD/UNSW undoubtedly offer more opportunities purely by way of being the oldest and most senior law schools in the state. That being said it is not a strong determinate in...
  5. Crobat

    ACT Same-Sex Marriage Act in the High Court

    Haven't gone back to read what I said about religion before but my current stance on it is just that it's fine to hold whatever religious beliefs you hold but they should not be influential in law making decisions and nor should you treat them so. Of course, religions also should not be forced...
  6. Crobat

    ACT Same-Sex Marriage Act in the High Court

    Taken the liberty to attach the proposed bill and its explanatory memo: Proposed Amendments: Freedom to Marry Bill 2014 Explanatory Memorandum: Explanatory Memo Current Marriage Act: Marriage Act 1961
  7. Crobat

    ACT Same-Sex Marriage Act in the High Court

    Round 2 up and coming: This proposal sounds promising.
  8. Crobat

    So what are you guys playing at the moment?

    Not worth it If you're bad at actual strategy games then play league Otherwise Dota is pretty much the game league is a ripoff of and it's pretty skill demanding
  9. Crobat

    Paid vs Volunteer

    you will quickly learn business students are the most useless students but yeah I will be looking to do some volunteering work :haha:
  10. Crobat

    Paid vs Volunteer

    To be perfectly honest I don't really know - most of these things end up in teaching English which I think is an absolutely redundant exercise and has nothing to do with valuable contribution via volunteering. A few of my friends have volunteered to help physically build communities and live...
  11. Crobat

    Paid vs Volunteer

    Volunteer for sure mate - maybe overseas if you can. A regret of mine is not putting time into volunteering early from graduation. The people I meet at uni that are always so switched on and just great to be around all loved the experience and satisfaction they gained from it. I think they...
  12. Crobat

    'What's your favourite alcoholic drink' thread

    You are just all class aren't you
  13. Crobat unbelievable..

    But will Steam tell my friends I'm playing games
  14. Crobat

    Preparation for Advanced English

    Long story short - study thematic and conceptually close to the rubric
  15. Crobat

    'What's your favourite alcoholic drink' thread

    Depends on occasion though Like whiskey for big achievements Beer for celebration with mates, etc Champagne/wine for celebrations with work
  16. Crobat

    So what are you guys playing at the moment?

    League is bad
  17. Crobat

    Does anyone like Radiohead?

    Didn't really like the bends but ok computer is really good
  18. Crobat

    Does anyone like Radiohead?

    yes i actually love Radiohead i listen to In Rainbows nearly everyday just travelling to and from work also gotta love date Kid A
  19. Crobat

    #Gamergate: What is really going on in the gaming industry?

    There's a difference between a woman owning her body and doing with it what she likes (yes, which may mean she will do something sexual and revealing with it because women are also capable of being sexual and revealing voluntarily, which is how they should be doing those things) and having the...
  20. Crobat

    Would Australian Universities be better if they don't accept Asian International

    I don't think insulting the obvious racist values you have constitutes defending people who cheat, but old mate isildurrrr1 has already made more than enough substantial points as to why your proposition is blatantly stupid and you've just swept them under the rug of "irrelevant right now" on...