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  1. M

    How to ask a girl to your formal

    quote battler 1 "look mate , grow some gonads and ask her. Our soldiers didn't fight for you to be a pussy, so man up or a crocodile will eat you."
  2. M

    I Hate University

    your aiming for 98 but your not sure if you will get in?
  3. M

    Killing a baby is the same as getting an abortion

    Here is the be all end all: Killing 8 cells in your uterus is not murder, killing a 5 month old foetus is
  4. M

    What is an approximate ATAR for me, please?

    no 42 is the answer to everything.Go read the hitch hikers guide to the galaxy.
  5. M

    College or Lodge

    why would he want to come all the way to ANU just to do that?
  6. M

    How to ask a girl to your formal

    Here is the best pick up line yet-"Do you want to go to the formal with me?"
  7. M

    Top 'speed' done and where?

    33km/h running away from a dog
  8. M

    Australian unis 'dumb'?

    they cant get in. Just look at the Pakistani guy, business hahahahaha
  9. M

    Yes I am a retard, hence I skipped two grades and got an ATAR of 99.15 at 16

    Yes I am a retard, hence I skipped two grades and got an ATAR of 99.15 at 16
  10. M

    yes I am a retard, hence I skipped two grades and got an ATAR of 99.15 at 16

    yes I am a retard, hence I skipped two grades and got an ATAR of 99.15 at 16
  11. M

    Killing a baby is the same as getting an abortion

    My point exactly, if anti-abortionists utilise the "potential for life" argument then by definition using a condom is wrong which is absurd.
  12. M

    Why do people want to do Medicine?! Calling out 2012ers and 2013ers!

    fair point, but seriously why do you think so many asian parents pressure their children into studying med? money. The kids who get pushed into med only do it for the money.
  13. M

    Which discipline has the best job prospects and pay?

    BE happy? I used BEng as most people are not familiar with the terminology. Of course there are grammar errors which you love to point out :)
  14. M

    Killing a baby is the same as getting an abortion

    If we are going on potential for life, then using a condom is wrong because there is potential for life there.