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  1. L

    what is so bad about UWS?

    You are missing the point here lol
  2. L

    what is so bad about UWS?

    Maybe there are underlying reasons why there are less demand for UWS courses? =O
  3. L

    Summer clerkships 2009/2010

    mitsui arent you in third year? (judging by the year you finished hsc) you're already getting clerkship offers? are your marks like crazy as! lol
  4. L

    what is so bad about UWS?

    Medicine maybe, other subjects, NO WAY
  5. L

    Failed commerce subjects

    Thanks guys all the comments been really helpful =)
  6. L

    Failed commerce subjects

    Hi guys, im second year into my com/law degree. I've basically fucked up my first year commerce subjects so despite getting pretty decent marks for last semester im still averaging a very low credit. Im prepared to put in a lot of work to catch up on the marks and i've posted a question in the...
  7. L

    Summer clerkships 2009/2010

    hey mitsui you go to unsw right? i think im in the same year as you lol
  8. L

    Summer clerkships 2009/2010

    yes, but thats because my commerce marks are exceptionally bad =( lol
  9. L

    Summer clerkships 2009/2010

    Thank you for the replies. So basically you get your combined WAM/GPA and not seperate ones for law and commerce/arts etc. damn =(
  10. L

    Summer clerkships 2009/2010

    When applying for law clerkships, do they ask you for your commerce marks as well? =O if yes, does failing accounting etc mean that the top 6 won't take you? lol