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  1. G

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    I believe that's right. How'd you do it?
  2. G

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    The paper was imo, overall, easy compared to what I did in the trials. Question 9 was hard for me though, but if i dont get at least 85% i'll be very disappointed. :)
  3. G

    How long does it take you?

    I do 2U and in the trials, I did my maths test and finished with around an hour to go (minus q10). You can say that I rush through the whole paper, but I would spend the last hour to go over the whole test again to look for any mistakes and obviously finish the last question. I did pretty good...
  4. G

    How'd everyone go?

    Really? How'd you do it? I got like 1.8 :(
  5. G

    How'd everyone go?

    The transmission of multiple signals in a single channel, easy. But dont know what the different types are lol.
  6. G

    How'd everyone go?

    Yeh i agree. Heat treatment too, thank god. Overall, I think telecommunications and the section III were the easiest.
  7. G

    How'd everyone go?

    The test wasnt too hard, the drawings were confusing, alright calculations. I also thought multiple choice was kinda hard. For the gates question, I didn't like draw it out but i wrote it all down lol; still full marks?
  8. G

    Who didn't study after today's exam ?

    Did nothing too and I have Engineering tomorrow. Fml, so much things to remember; so hard. :( Hopefully I get a good night sleep and full on study tomorrow morning. Someone help me with engineering. Is anyone doing it tomorrow or is it just me?
  9. G

    Quantity or Quality

    Sorry, I meant to say that 4-5 pages means those exam booklets like in trials. Anyways, I guess I'll go into tomorrow writing as much as I could like always. I did around the same amount of pages mentioned and did pretty good in the trials so yeh. It must have been quality then lol.
  10. G

    Quantity or Quality

    Alright, heading into the English exams tomorrow im getting slightly confused on this subject. I've been hearing that quantity is something which matters in essays and can often get good marks. Is this true or is it the other way around? Looking at some past band 6 answers, they all seem to be...
  11. G

    Anyone else have exams on the same day?

    Well, 4 of my other exams in the first week are technology subjects. Hmm, now I have a feeling BOS doesnt like people who do these subjects lol.
  12. G

    Anyone else have exams on the same day?

    5 exams in the first week, 1 the next week and then two week gap for final exam. Beat that lol !!!
  13. G

    What are the chances of being asked for 2 related texts for each module question?

    If they ask for 'at least one' is it better to do two or just one? Or does it depend on the situation, like time or something?
  14. G

    Length of an essay?? Help

    Question: is there a required number of poems etc. necessary in any essay? For example, Peter Skrzynecki's poems, I did two in my trials. Is this enough or is it more quality over quantity? Does this also apply for other kinds of texts, like a movie, play, novel etc?
  15. G

    Two calculators to be safe?

    Are you allowed to do this? Like, have two calculators physically on your table?
  16. G

    how friggin long is this UAC application?

    I've got a question. How do you know whether your application payment has been received? Does this affect the application if its not on time? I've already paid through the POST office btw, but I'm just wondering.
  17. G

    Any last minute pointers for the Mathematics (2 unit) course?

    Can you explain this? I thought you can only bring in one.
  18. G

    Atar Estimate

    Hmm, thats not so bad i guess. What happens if I go really well in the HSC exams?
  19. G

    Atar Estimate

    Here are my assessment ranks: English Standard - 26/158 Engineering Studies - 7/15 Senior Science - 23/46 Mathematics - 29/56 Industrial Technology Graphics - 2/11 IPT - 8/15 My school rank is around 180s. Is the atar gonna be really bad? :(
  20. G

    Who's going to the Kpop concert in November?

    Have u guys got ur tickets yet? I can't get them tomorrow at the opening time. What should I do? I'm scared it all might run out so quickly.