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  1. Z

    NSW to dump UAI! New Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)

    This seems to be a political thing to me. By making a smallish change now it will be easier for them to implement the national curriculum in a few year, because the name of the won't change, so people won't take any notice. But I still don't see how the Federal Govt is managing to snatch...
  2. Z

    NSW to dump UAI! New Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)

    Yeah, your right, but it also means that an ATAR in NSW is meant to be equal to the same ATAR in another state.
  3. Z

    Is my school rank bringing my UAI down?

    That part of the website may not have been updated yet with the change, most other parts seem to indicate this years Year 12s will be getting an ATAR.
  4. Z

    Implications of ATAR on those repeating year 12.

    I think it mean this year you will just get an ATAR instead of a UAI. The ATAR will be calculated the same way as your UAI was last year, so it won't really matter. Are you carrying any subjects marks forward from last year? That could have an effect, but I doubt it will be significant. I think...
  5. Z

    NSW to dump UAI! New Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)

    Re: NSW to dump UAI! Check out this from UoW. Must have been in the pipe line for a little bit at least.
  6. Z

    NSW to dump UAI! New Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)

    Re: NSW to dump UAI! Isn't the UAC an NSW entity though? So it would be out of there hands? Also, I'm pretty sure if they are releasing it a 5AM it ain't gonna get any earlier.
  7. Z

    NSW to dump UAI! New Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)

    Re: NSW to dump UAI! I think we'll have to wait till tomorrow to see...
  8. Z

    NSW to dump UAI! New Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)

    Re: NSW to dump UAI! Well NSW has more people, so it is harder to score highly in a rank based system like the UAI I guess. That will be a problem if we are not ranked nationally, people will think that a 99.95 here will be equal to a 99.95 in NT. But I don't see how they will rank us...
  9. Z

    NSW to dump UAI! New Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)

    Re: NSW to dump UAI! Can somebody please get 100% in the HSC this year just to shove it in their faces?
  10. Z

    NSW to dump UAI! New Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)

    Re: NSW to dump UAI! Damn... It may be that they have just finalised it, and are trying to get the system up as soon as possible before the HSC. That would explain all the strange going-ons.
  11. Z

    Subject Combos

    I took up an extra subject at start then dropped it. Nothing wrong with it unless you leave it too late. But I wouldn't take that many all the way through, no real point. And yeah, I do 3U Maths + English, Phys, Chem and eco. Never heard of it called the asian combo though. I like the 99 part...
  12. Z

    NSW to dump UAI! New Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)

    Re: NSW to dump UAI! They say its to 'bring it in line with the rest of the country' but wouldn't that just give the impression that a NSW UAI (or A-TAR) is the same as one from a less populated state? And yes, I know you can make up quotes, but if some random just sent them an e-mail don't...
  13. Z

    NSW to dump UAI! New Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)

    Re: NSW to dump UAI! Its now been pulled for the other news site as well. Have any of you Year 12 students been "written too" or received anything about it? I guess not. Any ides where this could have come from? Doesn't seem like the kinda thing that someone could make up, a lot of fairly...
  14. Z

    Students Against Scaling - Post Here!

    I don't quite follw what he is on about, but I think what is means is that if you score above the 'cap' on a subject your mark is revised down to that 'cap'. e.g. If you are doing General Math, the cap is say 92, so if you score above that your mark is still 92, not what you actually got...
  15. Z

    Students Against Scaling - Post Here!

    Yes, the UAI is designed to measure a students academic ability. How else are they supposed to choose who gets into Uni? If you do not have 'academic interests', don't get your UAI, because you won't need it, and it is not for people who do not need it (i.e. don't want to go to Uni). Do the...
  16. Z

    Wat Font Size is too small?

    Seems by the time we get to Uni they have all our tricks figured out... :haha:
  17. Z

    Students Against Scaling - Post Here!

    Lol at that, but he's only in Year 10. Still, that does point out my original point that at the end of the day most students UAIs seem to have a strong correlation between effort and academic ability, so it can't be that bad a system.
  18. Z

    Students Against Scaling - Post Here!

    No, it is only luck is you have not prepared properly and are guessing. Because some subjects are harder than others. Period. And the UAI is designed to compensate for that. And what I mean is, the lower scaling subjects would have to be studied in High School at the level that those...
  19. Z

    Students Against Scaling - Post Here!

    But Student B whould get a beter raw mark in D&T, because it is easier. Besides, you can't have all the subjects the same difficulty, that would be riddiculus. You would have to study most subjects at like Uni level, whilst the dificult ones would have to be completely dumbed down.
  20. Z

    struggling with essay writing speed

    Is it just your writing speed? Because I no I can write quickly but the faster I write the further the quality goes down. If you are planning that shouldn't be as much a problem, but in a lot of exams you won't be able to because you don't know enough about the question. Also, do you have neat...