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  1. I

    Is it necessary to actually read Frankenstein?

    So I'm not the kind of person to read... and i really cant be bothered to read this bloody book. So I was wondering will i still be ok to just simply use sparknotes rather than reading the actual book? Does anyone know anyone whose never read the book and still did decent in the HSC for eng?
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    Price elasticity of demand how do govt and producers use it?

    How is it price elasticity of demand relevant to governments and producers? Thanks for government I've got some notes down about how they can use knowledge of it to intervene markets and set price ceilings and price floors. Not sure if thats right though anyone mind correcting me? Thanks
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    Help with Economics Essay.

    But the problem is, i have no diagrams for the price elasticity of demand as of now... >_<
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    Help with Economics Essay.

    Its a pre-lim exam and I have no idea what diagram to use for this essay a little help would be nice :) thanks The essay question is: Discuss the factors which cause changes in supply and demand. Explain the concept of price elasticity of demand and its relevance to producers and governments...
  5. I

    Whats an uncombined element?

    oh thanks :)
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    Whats an uncombined element?

    My dot point text book askes me about uncombined elements... what is it and what are some examples of it.
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    Advice on Data Analysis for Films ><

    So for English we've been analyzing poetry mostly and we have a table where we write about: -Structures of Text -Language Forms and features of text -Meaning of text -Relationship between the text and the concept of journey -How has the text added to your understanding of the concept of...