:rolleyes: There are a lot of people who cheat the special provisions system. Its annoying, but what can be done? One of my friends has an extra 30 mins for all exams because 'she gets back cramps'
I know many people from selective high schools, and yes, many of them are social. But, I was not making a statement about how social or anti-social selective students are. Invarably, some of them are, some of them aren't. I acknowledge this. I was merely pointing out that being good at debating...
Well...actually, if you take the numbers you've just given,
10/80 stuggling compared with 5/50, public schools still win because its 12.5% stuggling (private) vs 10% struggling (Public) :p
But I see your point anyway.
Exactly. You have to be able to adapt to a less insulated environment, or that 99+ UAI (which public school students are apparently less capable of achieving) is rendered worthless.
But what's the point of just getting into uni and then failing? Or are you saying that proportionate to the % that actually get into uni in the first place there is little difference?
This is true, but there are still a large population of selective schools students whose sole focus in life is 'textbook' intellegence.
And these people are going to suffer if they don't foster some sense of social skills.
I'm also unconvinced that ability in debating and public...
There are public schools that perform well, and public schools that perform poorly.
There are private schools that perform well, and private schools that perform poorly.
So of course, it varies. However, the notion that private schools are universally superior in academic performance lacks...
It will not been taken into account in the calculation of the UAI. However, if you go and speak to the relevent teachers/co-ordinates and explain to them how it may have affected your performance, maybe it can be organised for you to sit a variation of the exams when you are feeling better...
It is at the beginning, and yep, some of the topics e.g algebra, are revision of yr 9-10. However, there are topics completely new that would be foreign to 2u people.
QFT. It's not 'hard', but i just find some of what we do strange and mentally tedious. It's almost like its not really maths anymore, but some weird subject with some calculations. I think the mistake people make as well is they think its like an easier version of mathematics, when its like a...