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    Simpsons + Trapezoidal Rule

    Hi everyone, Im getting a bit confused with the function values when doing the approximation questions. When the question says use three function value, does that mean that there is 4 subintervals eg find 1.5-->0.5 (ln x )^3 dx for the subintervals would it be 1.5-0.5/3 and then the four...
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    ATAR Estimate Please

    English Advanced 6/55- 76% 2U Maths 1/24 91% 3U Maths 3/14 83% Chemistry 3/26 87% Economics 2/24 91% SDD 1/14 70% Looking to get around 93-95. Am I achieving this at the moment?
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    Chem question help needed, exam tomorrow please help.

    to find the heat of combustion per gram u gotta divide it by the molar mass mH (molar heat)/g for petrol = 5460/114 = 47.89 mH/g kerosene = 10000/210 = 47.6 mH/g hydrogen = 285/2 = 142.5 mH ethanol = 1370/46 = 29.78 therefore its hydrogen Part B Density = 0.69g/mL therefore mass octane =...
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    Best place to purchase a Laptop?

    dell laptops are quite good value for money. Desktops dell are terrible. Apart from Dell, I'd go for either Toshiba or ASUS. Whatever you do don't get a hp or Compaq.
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    UAI estimation

    school rank is around 250.
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    UAI estimation

    Hi, I do the following subjects and would like to know what sort of UAI I'm sitting on. English Advanced- 81% Rank 22/64 Mathematics 2U- 93% Rank 1/34 Mathematics 3U- 82% rank 5/14 Software Design and Development- 96% rank 1/14 Chemistry- 90% Rank 3/22 Economics- 85% Rank 4/34 My aim is a UAI...
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    Best Economics Textbook

    is the Cambridge Economics book any good? We use that at school because our teacher said Dixon was too generalised and did not provide enough detail and Riley was in too much detail. But sometimes, in class the teacher uses the Dixon and Riley books for making class notes.
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    Economics HSC answers

    Hi, Does anyone know where to get the answers for the past HSC economics papers? I cant seem to find them anywhere and Success One don't have an economics version. The marking notes are OK, but dont give a good indication of the detail required for a Band 5/6 response.
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    What is YOUR hardest and/or biggest content course

    hardest: Physics content: Economics + Chemistry
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    what does everyone think of the NEW excel?

    na waste of money i think its like $55. I think making your own dot point notes using Conquering Chemistry + your school notes and then using Success One HSC papers is better than dot point. Some of the answers in Success One are an excellent indication of band 6 answers and some are not so great.
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    2009 Economics Marathon

    The net income account is the balance on income (that is, income credit (in flow of income) + income debit (income going out)) and is part of the current account. The capital and financial account is made up of direct investment (assets i think) + portfolio investment (debt and loans) + other...
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    2009 Economics Marathon

    The advantages of free trade are - Increased production: due to specialisation and comparative advantage - Increased employment: due to increase in export industries - Increased standard of living: income rises due to efficiency therefore there are low opportunity costs which leads to increased...
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    What do I need for 95+

    Hi, I am really confused with these raw marks and scaled marks thing and would like to know what actual marks i need to be achieving to get a UAI of 95+ I do the following subjects, English (advanced) Maths 2U Maths Ext 1 Chemistry Physics Economics Software Design and Development my school's...
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    11 or 13 units?

    yeah I think the same about software. The prac/programming and algorithm side to it is quite difficult but the theory part is quite easy to understand.
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    What does this module actually involve?

    Hi everyone We're doing Pride and Prejudice and Fay Weldon's Letters to Alice for Module A. However, I dont understand what this module actually involves. Do we just compare the two prescribed texts and write essays about them, or are we required to obtain Related material as in the AOS? its...
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    Suggestions for related texts- Novel

    Hi, I am struggling to find a related text which must be a novel which can be used as a related text for The Crucible. I dont want to read something overly complicated or long. Does anyone have any suggestions?
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    Should I Drop a Subject? Please help...

    Hi, I am currently doing the following subjects (13 units) and was thinking about dropping physics. Maths 2U (96%- Rank 2) Maths 3U (75%- dont know rank) English Advanced(62%) Economics (69%- Rank 3) Chemistry(83%- Rank 3) Physics (74%- Rank 4) Software Design and Development (69%- Rank 1) Is...
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    Year 11 Workshops

    Re: Year 11 Wokshops yes i went to the english one, its taught by the head teacher english at homebush boys. its really good for exam techniques, answering essays, literacy devices, structuring answers etc.
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    13 units vs 11 units

    but say if maths extension 1 was one of your highest marks, would it still count towards the UAI because its a 1 unit subject?
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    13 units vs 11 units

    Hi, I am currently doing 13 units this year and am thinking of dropping one subject next year. My subjects are 3U maths, 2U maths, Economics, Chemistry, Physics and Software. I am thinking of dropping either Physics or SDD next year which will leave me with 11 units. In that case, would Maths...