haha. well i did this paper today, 2007 if im not mistaken?
is was all in the wording of the Q. however i dont know if i got it right yet so i will wait until i post my help.
i think i didn't do well because.
a) apparently they deduct marks if your piece is +-10seconds from the given time. i have no idea how long i played for.
b) im pretty much happy with the first 2 pieces, but i messed Ocean up by not getting the 'flow' right.
the way my teacher explained it to me, you get asked to audition to encore based on your marks, then you do the audition tape and shortlisted blah blah blah. i MAY have a chance only because im from the country, play 12 string guitar, and do guitar percussion and all that two handed and harmonic...
man. fuck snare drums. im assuming electric guitar?
i got mine this thursday. little did i know i have to tell them the actual time of my pieces. AND I IMPRO MY SONGS. damn hsc.
what i do:
Advanced English - Mathematics - Modern History - Music 1 - Economics
what i should've done:
Advanced English [but with good prescribed texts] - Mathematics[to pay attention in yr11] - Modern History[doing germany instead of russia] - Music 1[do more composition] - Economics -...
my perfs are 24/9/09
white summer/black mountainside - jimmy page
impro. in Dsus4 - Me!
Ocean - John Butler
i will be fine as long as i make sure the guitar is sounding $1m
i did one composition for music for small ensembles. it is based on a 12 tone system with lots and john cage like chance methods and brian eno like production. i want 20/20 for it.
what are the advantages?
i know i wish i had one to take to school to take down everything my english and modern history teachers say. and also to have at my study desk to keep all my notes rather than... 6 MASSIVE ring binder folders.
p.s. im trying to justify to my parents why i should...
i just realised this thread should be merged to this one.
could a mod fix my shit please? cheers.
i think there could be a s/a on the multiplier [those lovely handouts which paid for my ticket to norway] and...