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    My abs are uneven!

    This, hide your gay abs with make up.

    Suburban Law Firm Salary

    A crossbreed of poodles and cocker spaniels. Medium sized, intelligent, are non allergenic and good natured, so they're a good family dog. It's like the new Labrador.

    Weightlifting for size and strength: The Basics

    I get the same but with the overhead press. I really don't do many exercises, I bench, squat, deadlift, press and row, as well as weighted sit ups and some barbell curls and close grips so i can do arnie impressions infront of the mirror. I'm thinking about dropping rows and doing power cleans...

    Suburban Law Firm Salary

    Mate, in cities like Newcastle working in areas like insurance, property (particularly with development companies), mining and medium sized businesses earning 100K+ is pretty standard after 5-10 years. I can't quote you exact figures but ALOT of my friends parents are earning more than my...

    Weightlifting for size and strength: The Basics

    I've just always been shit at them, not my thing. Prefer the bench :)

    Weightlifting for size and strength: The Basics

    Yeah, when you're doing heavy deadlifts, overhead presses and front squats the wednesday isn't so much of a 'light day' at all... But 5kg for $90 off ebay is even cheaper :) You got it, though I can barely do one dip without weights so you might have to start off with less.

    Suburban Law Firm Salary

    I don't get this. I know an insurance lawyer who works in a small time partnership in Newcastle (in his 50s) earning enough to own a yacht worth a couple of million. I also know a public prosecutor with a massive farm estate. Surely the salaries in boutique firms can't be that shit.

    How do I know if he's gay?

    On the topic of metros, I was listening to mainstream radio the other day and they were talking about how being metro was 'unattractive' Basically all these fat girls (you could tell by the voice and their referencing to never having been with one) wrang in and said they'd prefer a 'normal'...

    Is there a limit on how big your muscles grow?

    Just to put an end to this topic, there is a natural limit to how big you can get, but most guys won't reach it. Generally doing everything right with 3-5 years training most men 5'10-6'0 will probably get to 100-105kg with 10-12% bodyfat. Those with elite genetics maybe 110-115kg with lower...

    Weightlifting for size and strength: The Basics

    If you've gained 2kg in the first two weeks it sounds like you're doing fine. Eventually your results will slow to about a kg a month, which is what you're aiming for. Aim for getting 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight a month, mostly from meat/milk/whey then just try to eat until you're...

    Weightlifting for size and strength: The Basics

    Have you checked out texas method yet? I'm going to suss it out and give it a go, apparently the loading parameters are a lot better set than 5x5. I'll miss the ramping period though :(

    Earrings are stupid and they look ugly

    I like piercings. They allow you to spot a dickhead before they even open their mouths.

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    Yeah, I'm up till 5am every morning and I sleep till 3, I miss the day time :( You didn't dig the talking penis? There something you wanna tell us, matt? I liked borat, I just got sick of his quotes being flogged to death by my nerd friends in high school. I'd recommend the movie but it...

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    No arnold = its gonna be shit. edit: christ you stay up late chris.

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    OH SNAP But really, it was pretty scripted, and there was a general absence in non-scripted interactions with the public which made borat so kickass. Only mad bits was the bruno celebrities show promo and straight dave's wrestling. Robot Chicken = reigns supreme.

    in love with my bestfriend????

    As someone who's done this, twice, go for it and accept the consequences. She might say no and your friendship will be ruined, you might break it off in a few weeks, a few months or a few years with the same result. But whatever happens it is much better than the frustration you'll have when...

    What're your standards/criteria?

    In terms of looks: - 7/10+ - Thin girls tend to age better - I have a soft spot for dark girls (cornish, spanish, otherwise) Call me shallow, but I want someone I'm going to be sexually attracted to. In terms of personal characteristics it's hard to say. I've dated girls who could be a female...

    2009 official "funny quirks of my day" thread

    Bruno was pretty average.

    Is there a limit on how big your muscles grow?

    oh rite. For the record: - DOMS is microtrauma and lactic acid in your muscle. Congratulations. - Your opinion on dumbbells is false. For many exercises such as the squat and deadlift a barbell will allow you to use more weight and thus place a greater load on your body, and also some barbell...

    Is there a limit on how big your muscles grow?

    bhahaha, that's the fucking best thing I've heard all day!