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  1. fayeee

    UNSW Career Excursion

    Just wondering, which schools are going tomorrow? lol ^^
  2. fayeee

    The Woolworths Thread

    Re: Woolworths FAQ- how to get a job hmmm. I got a missed call on my mobile, so I called back, and it was someone from woolies! except the person that deals with jobs had already left for the day.. but I left my name and number with the person that picked up.. Rkn I should hold my breath for...
  3. fayeee

    Study Group

    how about parramatta library? :-)
  4. fayeee


    yeah its pretty awesome =)
  5. fayeee

    Drop SDD or Geography

    flip a coin? but once you drop it, don't dwell! drop it & move on :) haha experiencing the same sort of thing. i dunno whether to keep chem, or drop it :/ cos the teacher's crappppy.
  6. fayeee

    Does anyone know of any good english tutors?

    the teacher that teaches it is really bad though and it's impossible to swap lines without it interfering with other subjects :(
  7. fayeee

    Does anyone know of any good english tutors?

    umm not yet i think i will this term though, but i'm still unsure. probably will though
  8. fayeee

    Does anyone know of any good english tutors?

    Can you PM/post please? Looking for one..
  9. fayeee

    How many?

    omgsh! since when was there extension foodtech? that would've been tons tons tons awesome.....
  10. fayeee

    Any Preliminary Food Tech Ppl??

    nah, foodtech's pretty awesome it is very thorough and detailed though i don't understand why it's scaled so low
  11. fayeee

    How many?

    LOL i have 3 in my class
  12. fayeee

    Any Preliminary Food Tech Ppl??

    me! I do foodtech :) and i love it there's only 3 people in our class for hsc next term lol
  13. fayeee

    Any good english tutors?

    That you know of? Or that happen to be on BOS? please PM me =) thanks
  14. fayeee


    the teacher for chemistry isn't great.. and i can't swap lines without it interfering with my other subjects
  15. fayeee


    ahh thankyou =) I will definitely drop chemistry then. I hate it with a fiery passion, and the only reason I was considering doing it was because it had pretty okay scaling :/
  16. fayeee


    psychology, pharmacy, or medicine :]
  17. fayeee


    Hey. Just wondering.. my subjects for 2009 are PDHPE, Food Technology, Biology, 3U maths & adv. english (maybe Chemistry though i'm considering dropping it as soon as year 12 starts) Is a good (above 95) UAI still capable? provided that I do exceptionally well in those subjects? Or will my...
  18. fayeee

    Preliminary HSC Yearly Exams Thoughts & Results

    Re: Did anyone finish their preliminary exams? haha me too :] screwed for the modules water & energy. & my yearly is at 9:00 today :] lawl
  19. fayeee


    me! definitely interested :) except not sure, cos a bunch of mates from my school are planning to do it too
  20. fayeee


    naah quite a few people in my grade have dropped/are dropping maths next year! more people than i thought o_O so it's cooool (Y) haha except maths is one of the good scaling subjects isn't it? but meh, no point if you're not interested/don't like it much