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  1. C

    Related texts for othello.

    I need two related texts for the area of study of Journeys. My main text is Othello, and now i need to find 2 related texts (one has to be a visual) to relate to Othello in the ways of inner/imaginative journey. thanks :)
  2. C

    Related texts Othello/Journeys.

    I need two related texts for the AOS of Journeys relating to my main text Othello. One related text must be a visual, and it has to relate to Othello in the ways of inner/imaginative journey. any ideas ?
  3. C

    Should i drop ext.english ?

    I'm doing ext math, ext eng, bio, chem, business studies and physics. I'm planning to drop business , but should i drop ext eng. aswell ? I figured there's no point in doing it, since i wanna do medicine and it would just take up time.. help ? :)