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  1. mynamewastaken9

    Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler

    I found it really tedious so gave up like 1/2 way through
  2. mynamewastaken9

    What is the best trilogy of books or series?

    The Nick Stone books by Andy McNab
  3. mynamewastaken9

    Exchange Year 13???!!!

    Took me so long to find a club that would sponsor me but i eventually got one and that's all that matters. All the people i did get in contact with were all very helpful and polite.
  4. mynamewastaken9

    Classes Before and After School??

    What our school did was have every day start at 7:30 and on Tuesdays have all the extension classes + hospo so some people don't go to school on Tuesdays at all. You get used to 7:30 starts after a while..
  5. mynamewastaken9

    How much study do u do in Holidays?

    I would like to have done more study but what? The only thing i knew that we were doing was the next unit of maths which i finished... don't know what i'm doing in any other subjects. I guess I only have myself to blame. Instead of procrastonating i took the stand "If i'm reading books then...
  6. mynamewastaken9


    Lol my ex-girlfriend sent me a cardigan once from H&M in Germany. We're still good buddies haha
  7. mynamewastaken9

    bad tan lines.

    I surf daily and get hand, ankle and neck tanlines just before summer starts and it's too cold to wear a springsuit (I have a pretty poor cold threshold) which is looks pretty funny until it's nice enough to wear a rashy and boardies. Then i get a tanline on the back of my legs that looks like a...
  8. mynamewastaken9

    Where do you reckon is the best suburb to live in Sydney?

    Manly - rep. Only thing is no trains HOWEVER this prevents some unsightly characters coming in. Have to love the lifestyle, dig it.
  9. mynamewastaken9

    What are your plans after your HSC?

    Haha good call. I want to travel and do some serious surfing, uni can wait a year.
  10. mynamewastaken9

    Favourite brand of shoes?

    Air Force Ones (hi-top) and rabens. Such a poor shoe but they only cost $20.
  11. mynamewastaken9

    English Teachers, Can they teach?

    Dismal teacher for the preliminary course and for the first term of the HSC course. She's such a knob she decided to leave us through our HSC year join go to a prestigious private school, thanks lady! The teacher I believe we're getting is supposed to be the bee knees, lets hope so!
  12. mynamewastaken9

    100% Uai

    I guess if the kid got a UAI of 100 it would be enough to lift their school off the bottom just on his back - round of applause.
  13. mynamewastaken9

    Advanced English Tutor Wanted! Northern Beaches (Frenches Forest)

    I'm looking for an english tutor who lives in the northern beaches area, if you could email me at with some details that would be wonderful. thanks
  14. mynamewastaken9

    2008 HSC School Rankings

    Re: Top 200 Schools - Daily Telegraph Davidson High School = Epic Fail. 07 was about 220 I think, don't want to know what it was this year...
  15. mynamewastaken9

    help with history ext. proposal

    I've never heard about this, sorry I can't really help you. I do have to question however, are you sure that there's enough availible information and accounts written by historians. Is there any controversy about whos fault it was? From my understanding this would be a very difficult topic to...
  16. mynamewastaken9

    Differing perspectives of Ned Kelly - NEED HELP-

    I'm doing Ned Kelly for the 09 Extension History project. Would anyone like to share some thoughts or anyone who's done it before where they found their best resources, what you enjoyed about the topic?
  17. mynamewastaken9

    Wanted: Advanced English + Mathematics Tutor

    Any Advanced English or Mathematics Tutors in the frenches forest or warringah area?
  18. mynamewastaken9

    If you've lost your virginity, at what age?

    Lost it at 14... now that I look back i wish i lost it to my current girlfriend