does the cohort of pdhpe and the teacher matter that much? because most of my cohort are known as the sporty kids and if feel like they're just in it for the sports.
is it interesting? because there past papers seem interesting as well as the cores? would pdhpe be good if I want to study medicine? because right now I need to pick between two subjects: ancient history and pdhpe and im very confused as to which is better.
Hi guys! I'm starting year 11 this year and I chose PDHPE as one of my subjects. I was interested in what practical work there is involved? Or is it much more theory based?
I prefer the practical side a lot more, will there be fitness testing, camps, etc? What sort of prac activities do you get...
do the teachers for pdhpe matter? or is it just self discipline? because our school has a better band 6 record with ancient history than pdhpe, however i find pdhpe more interesting
which one would be better for me? I'm trying to decide which to pick: PDHPE or society and culture? I've heard both are alright in terms of scaling and i dont really care about scaling. however both the topics seem interesting to me? can anyone give me any advice? im looking to do psychology in uni.