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  1. lisarh

    Polynomial Question Help (:

    Thanks for the help lyounamu & Dr. Zoidberg! ^^ :wave:
  2. lisarh

    Polynomial Question Help (:

    Hey guys, can anyone help me with these tricky questions.
  3. lisarh

    Preliminary HSC Yearly Exams Thoughts & Results

    2 exams to go~ yaay sigh, why didnt anyone tell me about the circle geomentry question in ext 1 math. =-=' Has anyone done Economics?
  4. lisarh

    Tips on ways to cram for a physics yearly exam :)

    Alright then, thanks for the tip. I need all the luck I can get. x)
  5. lisarh

    Tips on ways to cram for a physics yearly exam :)

    Oh crap, was it that hard? I'm doing it tomorrow afternoon. ><
  6. lisarh

    Preliminary HSC Yearly Exams Thoughts & Results

    I 've completed 4 exams, and i have 5 more to go. One on each day. =) Monday - English Paper 2 Tuesday - Physics Wednesday - Ext 1 Math Thursday - Economics Friday - Chemistry You are a life saver! Thankyou so much! =D By the way, has anyone done the Independent Schools Extension 1 Math...
  7. lisarh

    English Technique?

    Thankyou guys! Omgosh, extenstion 1 english exam in 2 hours! arrgh
  8. lisarh

    English Technique?

    Is 'cumulative listing' a technique? Or is there another word for it?
  9. lisarh


    For as long as I can remember, I've been to school everyday ever since year 7. x]
  10. lisarh

    English EXT

    I am currently studying the novel "Rebecca" and I got an assignment on it too. I have to appropiate a scene and then explain why.
  11. lisarh

    Calorimetry Question

    Re: 回复: Calorimetry Question I meant why a calorimeter is needed not what is needed in a calorimeter to accurately measure the molar heat of solution. =__='
  12. lisarh

    Calorimetry Question

    Explain why a calorimeter is needed to accurately measure the molar heat of solution.
  13. lisarh

    Electromagnetic Communications Question

    lols, yeaa i know. Its a good starting point.
  14. lisarh

    Electromagnetic Communications Question

    thank you for that. =)
  15. lisarh

    Electromagnetic Communications Question

    Two signals X and Y are transmitted simultaneously to a receiver 50 Km away. Signal X is modulated visible light and is transmitted by optical fibre. Signal Y is modulated Infrared Radiation and is transmitted in air. The refractive index of optical fibres glass is 1.5 and air is 1.003. Both...
  16. lisarh

    2008 Maths Competition

    Re: Maths Competition A Credit is not thattt bad. =-=
  17. lisarh

    The Dark Knight

  18. lisarh

    Year 10 Formal

    Wow, that Cruzon Hall place is absolutely breathtaking. Seeing that year 11 usually doesnt have a formal, my grade decided to organise a social to celebrate the end of year 11. It's goin to be on a triple-decker boat. =]
  19. lisarh

    Feelings towards year 12

    I will soooooo not look forward to day one of year 12. screwed